yeah yeah! killem!!!
do you have sp1 or sp2?
Windows Messenger should not be confused with the similarly-named Windows Live Messenger (formerly known as MSN Messenger), which is a separate instant messaging product available for download from Microsoft. It is also not related to the Messenger Service, which is a component of Windows NT's LAN Manager.
looks like the wrong person got a thumbs down. you shouldn't be so quick to judge.............your a punk whoever did that.
How do I disable Windows Messenger from running?
The procedures for disabling Windows Messenger will depend on the version of Windows Messenger installed on your computer.
Windows Messenger 4.0 or Later on a Windows XP Professional
1) Click Start, click Run, type gpedit.msc, and then press ENTER
2) Double-click the following items to expand them:
* Local Computer Policy
* Computer Configuration
* Administrative Templates
* Windows Components
* Windows Messenger
3) Double-click on the option "Do not allow Windows Messenger to run", and then click Enabled.
4) Click OK, and then close the window
Windows Messenger 4.0 on a Windows XP Home Edition
1) Start Windows Messenger.
2) Click Options on the Tools menu.
3) Click the Preferences tab, click to clear the "Run this program when Windows starts" check box, and then click OK.
Windows Messenger 4.5 or Later on Either Windows XP Home or Windows XP Professional
1) Click on Start, Run
2) Type REGEDIT and Press Enter
3) Click on the Pluses (+) next to the following items
* Software
* Policies
* Microsoft
4) If the folder Messenger is not listed, click on the Edit menu, point to New, click Key, and then type Messenger for the name of the new registry key
5) If the folder Client is not listed under Messenger, click on the Edit menu, point to New, click Key, and then type Client for the name of the new registry key
6) On the Edit Menu, point to New, click DWORD Value, and then type PreventRun for the name of the new DWORD value. Remember all of this is case sensitive.
7) Right-click the PreventRun value that you created, click Modify, type 1 in the Value data box, and then click OK.
8) Quit Registry Editor.
How to Remove Windows Messenger from Outlook Express
1) Click on Start, Run
2) Type REGEDIT and Press Enter
3) Click on the Pluses (+) next to the following items
* Software
* Microsoft
* Outlook Express
4) Right click on the Outlook Express folder, click on New, click on DWORD value, and then type Hide Messenger for the name of the new registry key
5) Right-click the Hide Messenger value that you created, click Modify, type 2 in the Value data box, and then click OK.
8) Quit Registry Editor.
hows that for thumbs down?