Rishi D
2012-12-05 20:28:32 UTC
I have a bunch of 'events' in iMovie 09 (I'm new to the software) and we made a birthday video using these events and some other video clips. Now, the movie is ready, and I can see it in my Mac -> "iMovie Projects" folder as an .rcproject file. However there is no clear indication on how to export this movie as a m4v or mp4 file or any other file type for that matter. When I go to the Menu -> Share -> I get lots of export options, but it's for the "selected event" and not the whole movie project.
For example the top half of my screen shows the events and the bottom half shows the project with my video clips one after the other. When I export, it's exporting a selected even on the top half of my screen and I can't find a way to 'de-select' the event. I simply want to export the whole movie itself, not the event! HELP! Any ideas?
Many thanks