iMovie 9 - how to export a project as a movie file?
Rishi D
2012-12-05 20:28:32 UTC
I have a bunch of 'events' in iMovie 09 (I'm new to the software) and we made a birthday video using these events and some other video clips. Now, the movie is ready, and I can see it in my Mac -> "iMovie Projects" folder as an .rcproject file. However there is no clear indication on how to export this movie as a m4v or mp4 file or any other file type for that matter. When I go to the Menu -> Share -> I get lots of export options, but it's for the "selected event" and not the whole movie project.
For example the top half of my screen shows the events and the bottom half shows the project with my video clips one after the other. When I export, it's exporting a selected even on the top half of my screen and I can't find a way to 'de-select' the event. I simply want to export the whole movie itself, not the event! HELP! Any ideas?

Many thanks
Four answers:
2012-12-07 13:54:33 UTC
Highlight the particular project in your project library or with the project open click on Share > Export Movie - don't worry about the Events.

You will see a dialogue box that gives you 3 options: Name - if you want to change the project's name, Where - location for saving i.e. desktop or somewhere else and Size.

Alternatively, if you want to use a particular codec, go Share > Export using QuickTime.

In the export line, click on Options, then Settings then Compression type.

Here you can choose the output codec i.e. H.264, MPEG-4, AIC etc.

You can go into these settings and look around before you export.

2012-12-05 21:07:40 UTC
Software UpdateThe first issue to tackle is to check whether you're using the most up-to-date version of the iMovie software. Even if you don't have the most recent version of iLife -- say if you're using iLife '09 instead of '11 -- there may be updates that could be causing iMovie to crash unexpectedly. Open iMovie and then select the iMovie text icon from the top menu, and then select "About iMovie." This will display a window that shows the version of iMovie you are running. Then navigate to the Apple Downloads page to check whether there's a later version you need to download. Operating SystemAn old version of your Mac's operating system could also be the cause of your problem. To check this, first ensure that you have access to the Internet, then click the Apple icon at the top left of your screen, and then select "Software Update." Your computer will automatically check for updates to your operating system, and will provide a list of the updates in a pop-up window. You'll be able to place a check mark in the operating system or "Mac OS" box to update your operating system. You might also consider purchasing a later version of the Mac OS X -- for example, if you have the Tiger version running, you could upgrade to Snow Leopard. This would give you a new OS X as opposed to just updating the older system. Hard DiskYour problem could also be caused by not having enough hard disk space to properly run and export movies in the iMovie program. According to Apple, you'll need about 1 gigabyte of available RAM, as well as 5 gigabytes of available hard drive space to properly run the program -- not to mention the amount of hard drive space needed to upload and create movie files. Click the Apple icon from the top left of your screen, and then click "About This Mac." You'll then see a pop-up window appear listing the memory -- or RAM -- for your computer; click "More Info" to get more detailed information about how much hard drive space you have to work with. If you're short on memory, consider using an external hard drive to save and export your project files, or delete some files on your computer. Repair PermissionsIn some cases, you may have the most up-to-date software, but the "permissions" have gone awry and you need to perform a task to "reset" them to their original configuration. To do this, open the Applications folder on your computer, and then select "Disk Utility." Click the "First Aid" button, and then click "Repair Disk Permissions." This action will repair any Apple-installed software on your computer, and may repair a portion of iMovie that is causing it to crash upon export.
2017-02-27 09:32:57 UTC
U can in basic terms convert severe type video clips to low type video clips..... propose if ur video is 720p... then it is not a danger to redecorate into 1080p...... yet a danger to 360p or 480p,.........
2012-12-05 20:35:37 UTC

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