if you are willing to merge them to 1 sheet
Column A is File 1 starting in cell A1
Column B is File 2 starting in cell B1
then in C1 copy&paste this formula
=IF(COUNTIF(B:B,A1)>0,A1&" is in both","only in column A")
then copy C1 and paste down the column
- this will tell you if A is anywhere in B (it doesnt matter where they are in the column B list)
- you can sort by column C
and all your duplicates will sort together and the "only in column A"'s will sort to the bottom of the list. or autofilter or whatever
you dont have to merge the sheets, you can use this formula, and just reference the different files
=IF(COUNTIF([Book2.xls]Sheet1!$B:$B, A1)>0,A1&" is in both","only in column A")
and you can change whats in the quotes to say what you want.