2007-01-25 06:29:46 UTC
Processor: 233 MHz minimum (300 MHz recomd) for XP, 800 MHz 32-bit or 64-bit minimum (1GHz recomd) for Vista.
RAM: 64 MB minimum (128 MB recomd) for XP, 512 MB minimum (1 GB recomd) for Vista.
HDD sp : 1.5 GB for XP, 15 GB (20 recomd) for Vista.
Video card: SVGA (800*1024) for XP, the Aero interface of Vista requires a very modern and expencive graphics adaptor (128 MB min)
My questions are:
1. Do you find making the processor requirements 3.5 times higher, RAM requirements 8 times and HDD requirements 10 times higher a bit unreasonable, and too steep to cope with?
2. Will you upgrade very soon or wait for a Service Pack or two?
3. Does YOUR PC meet the requirements?
4. If your PC meets the system requirements is it a recent one?
5. If it does not are you planning to upgrade/buy a new one?
6. Any other comments on Vista's VERY HIGH (my personal oppinion) system reqs...