Yes, you can add an updating date field to your template. Just follow these steps:
1. Place your cursor where you want the date
2. Click the Insert tab
3. In the Text group, click "Date & Time." The Date and Time dialog box opens.
4. Select the date format you want.
5. Click OK
A date field with today's date is inserted. Just highlight the date to format the text. You can resize the font, underline, bold, whatever you want.
Now, save as a dotx template file. When you want to start a new page of notes, double-click the template icon and a fresh page will open all ready for you to use, with the correct date displayed.
I would suggest saving your new file as soon as you create it, then save periodically as you are typing your notes.
(By the way, if the date isn't correct when you open the file, you can always highlight and click Update. Just make sure you don't do it on a previous days file, or it will put today's date in it.)
I hope this helps! I'm not a VB programmer, so I don't know if there is a way to automatically save a file as soon as you create it with the properly formatted file name/date.