I use winrar of course
heres some others
* Official RAR site, containing archivers for several platforms
o Extras at official RAR site – Freeware UnRAR for various platforms, including Eugene Roshal's source code
* UnRarX – UnRar for Mac OS X
* unrarlib – a library for decoding RAR (version 2) archives based on the Roshal's code, is GPL compatible
* unrar – a simple Free Software Linux utility for decoding RAR archives using unrarlib above
* RarZilla Free Unrar – a simple Freeware Windows tool for decoding RAR archives using unrarlib above
* 7-zip an open source windows file archiver that supports unpacking (but not packing) RAR files, as well as other formats. (Note that the RAR unpacking part is not free software but under a proprietary "unRAR license").