Its really difficult to find guys like u who dare to do these types of things and 1 thing u must know that ure at right person coz i have booted Windows 7 , windows Vista , Windows xp ....... all of 'em from My pendrive...........
PLEASE vote as Best aswer Dont 4 get dear
first of all if u want to avoid all these tricks then goto internet and download CDBurnerXP and burn your dvd/cd image.. boot it be happy.
But if u have courage and faith
take your pendrive it must be atleast 4 Gb if u have
Windows 7 / Windows vista iso image of around 2.33 - 3.5 Gb if it is of more than that use 8 Gb pendrive( i will use PD instead of pendrive) for windows xp u may use 1Gb PD.
Switch on your system insert your PD .
follow these steps
>for win7 or vista open start menu type cmd right click run as Administrator.for xp just start cmd
1>type diskpart hit enter (ent)
2>list disk
3>select disk 0/1/2/3 or which ever is of the dim as shown same of ur PD but basically it is select disk 1
5>create partition primary
6>select partition 1 or the no of partition selected in step 3
7> active
11>minimize cmd do not close
mount the image using " daemon tool "
check the drive label on which it is mounted D: or E or F whatever it is
here i assume it to be E
12>come to cmd and type the following command
or move into the folder containing bootsect.exe file
or till you are inside folder that i m talking abt it will look ilke E:\boot>
15>BOOTSECT.EXE/NT60 F: here F: is the letter of our PD
command prompt closes
now your PD is bootable and yre almost done !!!!!!!!
copy all the files in the E: drive all means all everything which is inside iso must be copied ...................
restart your system keep on pressing F8 then u will see the boot menu select your pendrive and hit enter u will boot
do not restart your system
just go into the PD start the setup and rest will be done automatic.
if u have any problem contact me