Richard English
2014-06-26 09:21:02 UTC
My new computers are slower than my old ones and many of my old programs won't run on my new machines (The excellent Picture Publisher won't, for example, and the alternative installed, Photoshop Elements, is rubbish).
Apparently Windows 7 is "more secure" than XP - but that's a bit like saying that your new car is better in a crash than the one you were happy with driving before you were forced to change it. If you don't have a crash then the benefits are illusory. So far I have found not one single, solitary benefit of Windows 7 and am more than ever convinced that this has just been another shabby trick by Microsoft to force their customers to pay more money.
So my question is twofold:
1. What (if any) are the advantages of Windows 7 over Windows XP?
2. Is there any way I can get my old Picture Publisher program to run on my new system (I can't buy a new version as the manufacturers have been taken over and closed down)