In Microsoft, it was intended to help processing. Again, they screwed the pooch!
In Mac, Extensions really do speed up the processing!!!
In Linux, they are not obvious, and, the filesystem opens by decoding the initial matrix to determine, on the fly, the proper ocntext of the file at 50X faster speeds than the Microsoft PC.
Then, there are occasions where the OSes are confused, and a window opens that lets the user choose the correct application.
OR, the user can aply an asociation in a window, in the MAC and in Linux, BSD...
In Microsoft, you are given a window, and then it crashes. Sometimes, the second time you open a similar application extension, it just picks the most in-apppropriate application to use, and it forces you to obey the System Lord and bow down to the Evil Empire... great if you have lots of time.
Most of us have moved on, from Mcirosft, to Mac, or Linux at
That includes Microsoft, who switched years ago, for,,, and the entire Redmond Campus, on 45,000 Linux computers...