2007-12-23 19:48:03 UTC
'DVD Software Needed
Why won't my DVD or .VOB file play in RealOne Player?
RealOne Player is not able to find the software that came with your DVD drive. In order for RealOne Player to play DVDs or VOB files, you must first install the software that came with your drive. If you have already installed this software, it may be experiencing problems and you may need to reinstall it.
If you have been able to play DVDs or .VOB files on this computer prior to receiving this message, restarting your computer may resolve your problem.
If you need a DVD decoder (hardware or software) you may be able to find an appropriate decoder for you at one of the following sites:
Company Product/Link
National SemiConductor DVDExpress
MGI Software Corp. softDVDMax
Sonic Solutions Sonic CinePlayer
InterVideo, Inc. WinDVD
CyberLink Corp. PowerDVD '