If I reinstall itunes?
2009-01-19 13:55:00 UTC
My sister had to re-instaall itunes for some reason. Will that delete all my songs??
65 answers:
2009-01-19 14:55:46 UTC

(Don't listen to the people who say it will because I have done this several times on both a Mac and a PC)

It won't remove the music from your computer. This includes store purchases, illegal downloads, CD imports.

All your ID3 tags will stay intact as well (meaning you wont have to go and type the names of the songs or albums in or import album art. . . Stuff like that) The only thing that you will lose is the Play count, the skip count and your star ratings.

You can import the music back into your new itunes by going to File> Add to Library. . . >

use the window that comes up at this point navigate to your MUSIC folder and find and select the folder iTunes music>

Click OPEN

iTunes will begin importing all of your music.

If you need additional help, feel free to contact me.

I would be happy to help.
2009-01-19 14:59:22 UTC
I'm not sure why so many people are telling you that re-installing iTunes (or upgrading to a new version) will delete all of your songs. Any time you purchase music though the iTunes store or add other media to your iTunes library the actual file gets stored in a folder on your computer. iTunes itself does not store music, video, etc in the program. It is simply an interface for seeing and using these files that are elsewhere on the computer. That said, you may want to make sure you go to preferences and check the box so that songs are automatically added to your library if you use iTunes to play them. It won't make a difference for iTunes purchases and CDs you rip because those files get added automatically.

But bottom line, simply re-installing or upgrading the program will not affect the music/video files on your computer. Just make sure that if you have changed where all your music is from the default folder iTunes creates that you point the program in the right place (under preferences) once you get it re-installed.
2009-01-19 14:45:16 UTC
It will delete your playlists; however, it will not delete the songs, the songs are in the computer, all you have to do is re add them to itunes, and they should be there again. Itunes is nothing more than a program that serves as a bridge between the file and your ipod / iphone and at the same time allows you to play the music on your cpu
2016-10-06 12:18:45 UTC
How Do I Reinstall Itunes
Mackenzie W
2009-01-19 15:30:02 UTC
I see you have been getting some mixed answers here. They should be on there, but just to make sure- here's what you do. Go to my computer. I don't know what system you have, (Vista or earlier versions) but click the search button. (In XP it is right next to the folders button in the menu bar) In the box where it says "What do you want to search for?" Click "Pictures, music, or video" Then check off where it says music. If your music is there, it will start to show up on the screen. After that, if it is, you can then make a folder and put all your music in it. Make sure you know where this folder is located. Then link that folder to your iTunes and the program should download your music. (I'm not really sure how to do the last bit because I have a Zune and use their software) Hope that helps!
2009-01-19 15:00:50 UTC

Don't listen to anyone here that says otherwise. Music is stored in your music folder (there are similar folders on Mac and Windows). Deleting iTunes will only delete iTunes, not your music.

Re-install iTunes and it should give you the option to search your hard drive for pre-existing music. It will then read those files and re-populate your library.

You can also manually re-populate your library but to answer your question, NO, deleting iTunes will NOT delete your music.
2009-01-19 14:45:48 UTC
You should still back-up your library, but, most likely, the songs will remain on your hard drive, you will just need to import the library again. To do this, go into iTunes and click File>Add folder to library

From here, select the folder your songs are located in, and let iTunes do the rest.
2009-01-19 15:05:10 UTC
No reinstalling itunes will not delete your songs. As long you keep your playlist which you shouldn't bother with you will be fine. You will only have your songs deleted if you get songs from another playlist from another computer so your answer is no you will be fine so don't worry. Hope this helps. = )
2009-01-19 14:47:20 UTC
I've re-installed itunes many times due to problem and errors on my computer. Never has it ever deleted any of my songs. To be safe though, I would suggest saving the mpeg's on a flash drive.
Paul A
2009-01-19 14:54:05 UTC
Note: iTunes Store purchases or songs imported from CDs are saved in your My Music folder by default and are not deleted by removing iTunes.
2009-01-19 14:59:46 UTC
DEFINITELY NOT! I have done this before a few times myself and itunes always has a system history of your songs. If they are gone, search your whole computer for 'itunes'. I guarantee it will be on your hard drive somewhere.
2009-01-19 14:48:52 UTC
Well it might delete all the songs from you iTunes but if you don't want that download iDump before downloading iTunes. When you have iDump you plug in your iPod and all the songs from the iPod will copy over to your computer this way you can just drag it over into your reinstalled iTunes.
2009-01-19 14:47:56 UTC
I wouldn’t take the chance of losing your music. Here is how you can manually back-up all of your itunes music.

ITunes stores all of your songs in “hidden folders” on your computer. What I do is unhide these folders so that I can drag and drop them where ever I want. Here’s how you do it:

An iPod formatted for Windows uses a data-hiding scheme to hide the iPod_Control folder and the Music subfolders where the goodies are stored. Wonder why they do this -hmmm?

First you’ll have to tell your windows computer to display these Hidden Folders.

Select Start > Control Panel > Appearance and Theme > Folder Options to display the Folder Options dialog box. In this dialog, you can check the Show Hidden Files and Folders option to see all of the files and folders on your computer. Click OK.

Now, when you open your iPod in My Computer, you’ll see the elusive iPod_Control folder (it will be dimmed). Double-click this folder, then double-click the dimmed Music folder it contains. You’ll see a bunch of folders hiding in the shadows, with names such as F1, F2, F3, and so on. Double-click any of these folders to see their contents. You can copy these music files and burn them to a CD or drag and drop onto a Flash Drive.

☆Potterwatch [DA]
2009-01-19 14:56:49 UTC
i doubt it, cause you're only like upgrading itunes. its like when it asks you if you want to download the new version. after it installs, all your music and stuff is still there. but just in case it does for some weird reason, make sure you have them all saved on some other folder somewhere in you're computer. then you'll just have to like re-import everything into your music library. good luck :)
2009-01-19 14:50:08 UTC
No, it won't. They're in a file in My Music on your PC called iTunes, so unless you delete them from there or iTunes, you'll have them. You might have to import them to iTunes again, but I highly doubt it. I've reinstalled iTunes several times, you'll be fine.
Davy D
2009-01-19 14:43:53 UTC
no, your songs are all stored in a folder on your computer and they are completely separate from any music player you use. Un-installing itunes will not remove any songs, even if you bought the songs on itunes store
2009-01-19 15:01:38 UTC
Yes, unless you back them up onto a disc or something. If you purchased music from the iTunes store, you'll need to transfer it to an iPod and back.
2009-01-19 15:06:40 UTC
If you have all your songs on an iPod, you can transfer them over from your iPod, using the software Music Rescue. You can download a free trial, and throughout transferring over your songs, it will pop up saying that you should buy the whole software. You can just click 'no', and continue using it for free. It's VERY nice. I used it when I bought a new computer.
2009-01-19 14:37:30 UTC
No. Your songs should still be on your computer. ITunes saves the library data so the library should be there, but if not, just add the songs again. They should be where they were before (My Documents/My Music?)
Alex D
2009-01-19 15:03:27 UTC
It will delete your songs. You can download programs though that can transfer songs from your ipod to your library. The free ones take a while, but if your willing to pay about 20 dollars it's pretty easy. Idump is just one of many, just google it, and you will find results.
2015-01-16 15:21:00 UTC
Free Toolbar
2009-01-19 15:09:32 UTC
It will delete any songs that were not bought through iTunes. They will show back up as soon as you connect your iPod to your computer. But, it will delete any songs you got from other sources, including other download sites and CDs.
Samantha G
2009-01-19 15:15:31 UTC
Well, it'll delete them from Itunes but all your sister has to do is hook up her ipod and the songs come back to there. It won't be all of the songs she had in her library but atleast she won't spend $$$ on replacing them.
Mrs. Robert Pattinson
2009-01-19 14:40:58 UTC
No it wont. Because I did that once, and it is just like upgrading your itunes. The songs stay dont worry
2009-01-19 15:15:11 UTC
it will delete them for the itunes, but as long as you saved the songs elsewhere on your computer, all you will have to do is import that folder into your new itunes and there is your music. to do this export your library or copy all your music to a folder in your documents, like My Music.
2009-01-19 14:45:14 UTC
Do you have your songs on the ipod?Did you back them up like itunes asked you to do? If your ipod still has the songs, I do not see why you would loose your songs unless you took them off of your ipod. Good Luck
2009-01-19 14:51:22 UTC
if you mistakenly delete the program, you should still have your music files somewhere since iTunes saves your music in a folder on your computer.
2009-01-19 14:49:37 UTC
yah it will delete them. But if you bought them all from the itunes website...and they are still on your ipod...once you download the program again the songs your bought will load back on the website. However if you got them from another site or they are from cds or something, they will be deleted.
2009-01-19 15:14:14 UTC
nope you would just have to plug your ipod back into your computer so that it updates your current itunes with all the songs that you already shouldnt deltete them but if it does you can always contact apple and they will let you download them again
2009-01-19 14:59:53 UTC
Yes. You should back up a hard copy onto a flash drive or a disc, or just load it into a folder on your desktop.
2009-01-19 14:46:52 UTC
I think it MAY

But it may not. If it does you can just drag the songs into iTunes and get them back
2009-01-19 14:54:32 UTC
Yes they will, I did it before and if you want to loose the songs on ur actual ipod then dont connect it onto the com. because it will automatcially erase everything you haave
2009-01-19 14:54:03 UTC
Yes, unless you save all of those songs to any folder on you computer (just highlight all of the songs, and click copy, then paste into the folder)

it deleted all of my songs when i reinstalled it, Trust me
2009-01-19 14:38:55 UTC
Yes it will delete since when u put the ipod back into ur compu then it will recognize no songs on the itunes list therefore it will remove the songs from the ipod and the itunes. Hope this helps.
Andrew J
2009-01-19 14:50:00 UTC
This won't delete all your songs, when you reinstall iTunes they will all reappear.
2009-01-19 14:49:19 UTC
no ... your songs wont be deleted, they will just be put into the updated version of itunes that you are installing/downloading...:)
2009-01-19 14:48:58 UTC
No i did that because mine was outdated and all your song will be there just don't do it when your downloading something because if you do then it will delete that song. hope i helped!
2009-01-19 14:44:52 UTC
If you imported them from somewhere else on the computer, no.

If you bought them from itunes, maybe. Back them up elsewhere on your computer, just in case. But i don't think it will.
2009-01-19 14:38:54 UTC
not the songs, only the program, then you add your songs again to the new itunes version
2009-01-23 04:28:29 UTC
No, it won't if you bought that music. The music files are saved in other folders.
2009-01-19 14:51:32 UTC

But with itunes 8 you can put your music back on

if it is still on your ipod.

Good luck.

2009-01-19 14:51:16 UTC
No, because they should be saved on the computer
2009-01-19 14:42:12 UTC

I've did it, and it doesn't.

I even called Apple before I did it, and they told me that they would still be on there.
H. B. Marie
2009-01-19 15:03:55 UTC
if you do loose your music

watch this to recover it, it shows you how to plug your ipod into your computer and copy the music back onto your PC
Kyle T
2009-01-19 15:06:57 UTC
if you save them to your hard drive before you installed then you should have them all in your documents so check there.
2009-01-19 15:06:04 UTC
Yes it will
2009-01-19 15:02:13 UTC
nope it will keep all da previous files n add more to it
2009-01-19 14:45:01 UTC
yes it will. if you have your music backed up it wont take long to put them back on. especially .mp3 type files
2009-01-19 14:39:22 UTC
no. you bought that music (a least i hope u did) i tunes can't delete it!
2009-01-19 14:37:30 UTC
2009-01-19 15:06:52 UTC
no just save them
2009-01-19 15:14:38 UTC
nope, songs are still on ur computer
2009-01-19 15:08:04 UTC
no i had to cuz i got a new ipod and it didnt delete them,,,
2009-01-19 15:14:21 UTC
2009-01-19 14:47:40 UTC
yes it will

you should store your songs somewhere else
2009-01-19 15:01:27 UTC
ooh that sucks. yah it will. hopefully you have them saved elswher(:
2009-01-19 15:08:52 UTC
depend where you save it to
2009-01-19 14:47:40 UTC
dont worry about it....

all of your music should still be there =]
2009-01-19 15:12:34 UTC
2009-01-19 14:38:38 UTC
yeah, im pretty sure

but you can put them in a folder and then when you have itunes back put them back into your library
Freddie B
2009-01-19 15:21:58 UTC
It should not
2009-01-19 14:36:53 UTC
yes most likely they will.....but if you have them saved somewhere else on the comp. you can just import them to i-tunes again and it won't take much time
2009-01-19 15:03:48 UTC
NO, absolutely not!
2009-01-19 15:08:16 UTC
no. it should work! go for it.
2009-01-19 15:05:27 UTC
yess it will

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