"If I download windows through boot camp on my mac, will it erase my os x?"
Wrong word. "Download" means copy a file from another computer, even an Internet website computer. Boot Camp does not provide Windows to you. Buy Windows from Microsoft.com
Nothing done by Boot Camp Assistant can erase OS X. You can only use Boot Camp Assistant while using OS X. It is not possible to erase OS X while the computer is booted to OS X. This has been compared with sawing off a limb of a tree, while you are sitting on that limb.
"It says 'create partition for windows' what does it mean?"
Which word do you not understand?
"create" = make a new thing.
"partition" = an area of a computer drive / storage that can be formatted separately from the rest of the drive / storage. The storage ships from Apple with one partition formatted as "Mac OS Extended (journaled)" that is called / named / labeled "Macintosh HD". Boot Camp Assistant creates a new hybrid partition from the available space of the original partition. The original becomes smaller, when the new partition is created. Not all of the available space can be used; OS X needs at least 15% of the remaining partition to be *available space* to allow flexibility for various cache and swap files.
[Missing here is the "partition scheme" or "partition table". This is the way the partition(s) of the storage are recognized by the operating system. macOS can read both Mac and Windows partition schemes. Windows cannot read macOS partition schemes.]
"for Windows" = the special hybrid partition that is created by Boot Camp Assistant to allow Windows to be happy booting from a GUID Partition Table storage device. macOS cannot reliably boot to Master Boot Record partition scheme, so the whole storage must remain GUID. Windows cannot *normally* boot to any GUID storage, so Boot Camp Assistant creates a special hybrid Master Boot Record partition. Windows is fooled into thinking it is booting to a storage with Master Boot Record partition scheme.