2008-11-10 23:33:28 UTC
I'm using Excel 2002, if it matters. I know what I want, but I just don't know what it's called, how to do it, or if it's even possible! LOL!
I have 191 entries so far, all on one spreadsheet. But some of the entries are books in a series, and some are "stand-alone" books. I'd like to put all the "stand-alone" books on spreadsheet one, and all the books that are in a series on spreadsheet two. And I don't know if this is even possible, but I'd like to then have the contents of both of those sheets on one "main" spreadsheet. Is this possible?
I'm a total newbie to excel, but I want to learn because I want to keep track of the books I read with it. If someone could even just give me the correct terms and names for what I'm wanting to do, I could try to look up instructions on google.
Thanks a million!