Forgive me for being pedantic, but CSV is Comma Separated Values, so the commas are required.
Putting that aside, there's no easy, one-step way to create text files from (recent versions of) Excel with separators other than comma or tab. You can specify a custom separator when importing, but not exporting. Best approach depends on whether you need quotes around the values or not.
One way would be to create a new column or sheet, and use a formula to concatenate all the text. Then save-as the result, choosing Unicode Text, MS-DOS Text, etc. E.g '=B1 & "|" & C1'. Then file–save-as the result, choosing Unicode Text, MS-DOS Text, etc. It's a kludge, but it works. The CONCATENATE function does the same thing as '&' but may save some typing.
You could also copy the data and paste it into a word processor and manipulate it there. For Word there's two options:
1. Paste Special as unformatted text, then find-and-replace to change the Tab characters into pipes.
2. Paste (as Word table), then use Table to Text ("Table" menu — "Convert" submenu in Word 2003).
If you need the quotes around the fields,
then your best bet is to save as CSV, open the CSV file in a text editor or word processor, find-and-change the commas into pipes.
Doh! my bad. I just tried it and Excel 2003 only puts quotes around cells that contain a comma. (Other tools I've used put quotes on everything, sorry for confusion.) So if you really *need* the quotes on everything, it gets messy.
If your data contains commas within cells, then global replace will mess those up. (But not if you do copy-paste rather than save-as-CSV)
If your data contains pipe characters within cells, and you only want quotes where the pipes are and not on everything, then it gets very messy.
Final answer: easiest way is to paste into Word and do Table to Text. (If you only need one character between the fields and if there's no pipes in your original data.)