There are several dozen GOOD 64 bit OSes that are FREE! All the Linux distros run ALL the "Microsoft" WIN32 games.
1. Windows XP and XP64 doesn't crash 'as much'... but, it still suffers some crashes, BSODs, and total losses of a days work, plus,:
a. 150,000 Microsoft Virus Definitions
b. System housekeeping will stop,delay, stutter, any movie, song, or application, when it comes up in queue.
c. Buffer overruns are rampant.
d. Internet Exploder is so full of holes and vulnerabilities DHS warns not to run it, ever!
e. You still need to run the 8 programs to fight crap, and keep malware etc. at bay... Slows it all down a heap!
f. 7 year old system, competing with 800 newly revised systems, that are FREE!
2. Microsoft corporation was recently revoked in it's probation, by the DOJ Courts, in the multiple felony convictions for fraud, theft, and cheating YOU, the consumer, out of YOUR money.
Do you really want to go back into that dark alley to see if the mugger who took your wallet also wants to take your watch and chain? Do you like paying the Microsoft Sucker Tax?
" "
3.,, have all switched to Linux on 45,000 servers. Linux replaces upto 12 Microsoft servers with only one Linux server. And, Linux runs upto 50X faster!
The Redmond Campus runs all servers, 400 Lab systems, and all network routers on Linux (VP Steve Hilf, interview July '06, ZDNet).
4. Linux is a multi-tasking, multi-user, multi-processing, multi-procesor, system. Linux runs concurrent processing of all tasks. for all users, on multi-processors, with a time sharing mandate, prioritorized.
Microsoft is a single user, consecutive processing, single processor system, that has been recently kludged to let two processors alternate running bits up their alternate channel. It still gives over total system control to immature third-party applications, or, to trojans.
Watching maple sap drip would be quicker, than waiting for Microsoft to perform.
5. Linux has been doing 64 bit applications in a true 64 bit environment, on multiple processors, in the professional 'dog-eat-dog' world of the Corporate Enterprise since 1993.
There are hundreds of 64 bit applications that are FREE for YOU!
Microsoft XP 64 bit, still has virus definitions, has no functional 64 bit applications that are of any worth in the real world of competition, graphics, music, movies, or business. In fact, the XP64 is actually still in Beta testing, and guess who are the testers!?!? has 500+ distros, with reviews, and search blocks. Search '64 bit' 'AMD64'. Ubuntu is one. has 310 LiveCDroms to test, review, then load!
Most Distros come with 5,000 full games, applications!
All movies since "TITANIC - 1997" were made, animated, rendered, DGI, on Linux on multiple processors (64 desktops in a Linux Cluster!) saving $1 million per movie, running GIMP, and other FOSS, Free Open Source Software!
Well, You asked!!!