The technical answer is “yes” anything can be done with enough work. The practical answer after working with access for years is that your best off to NOT work between multiple versions of access. I could go on with pages of boring stories where at first it worked fine and then 3 months down the road my Database blew up. Bottom line is that Microsoft wants people upgrade to the newest version of there software this is how they make money. They spend enough time to make it easy for you to upgrade to the newest version yet they don’t have the time or desire to program around every version and every possible scenario that could arise. My advice is to keep all your computers running the same version.
Here is what the Access Help file says on the subject.
”After you have converted your access 2000 file to Access 2002 or 2003 File format, the new file cannot be shared with access 2000 users or Access 97 users. You can convert most previous-version Microsoft Access files to Access 2000 or Access 2002 - 2003 file format with no difficulty. In some rare cases, however, new features can conflict with existing objects and code.”
Here is a nice list of the new features in 2003;en-us;823089
Here is the Microsoft Access 2003 home page with helpful tips and tools to upgrade your access 2000 database
Hope this helped. Access is a great tool. I have used it for years and love it.