Go here, http://www.geforce.com/drivers
Find the drivers and follow the instructions.
The last I checked the binary nvidia driver CAME with instructions, you just have to follow them. But if you can't look in the nvidia driver set, you can follow these directions.
Download the driver for your card from http://www.geforce.com/drivers
Open a terminal session and use the cd command to change to the directory where you downloaded the driver.
Type chmod +x ./driverfilename.(three digit extention).
Kill your x server session...if I remember correctly, linux mint uses MAME as it's desktop manager. type "ps -e | grep mdm"...see if any processes are running, if they are (and they should be if they if you have a graphical user interface).
type "sudo killall mdm". If that doesn't work for some reason, type sudo kill (the process id(s) you found in the previous step).
once you've killed x server, your screen with go black. Re-log into the system (you'll be at a command line interface).
go to the directory (using cd) and type sudo ./nameofnvidiadriverfile.(three digit extension).
follow the prompts. If you are installing the 64-bit driver, then install the 32-bit openGL libraries.
when asked if you want to run nvidia-xconfig, click yes.
restart your system.
There you go. I'd like to point out, that all you said was "Please specify exact packages to install and where to find them." The binary driver is at http://www.geforce.com/drivers, and the packages you need to install depend on the system you are installing, THOSE SHOULD BE LISTED IN THE README FILE! Use sudo apt-get install packagename to get them. You will at least need gcc. I don't know what you think you are repeating, but you were not very clear.
Also, I'd like to point out that you could have easily found out how to do this by google searching "nvidia driver linux mint". If you are going to use a unix like system, then you are EXPECTED to not ask for help until you've done research and have SPECIFIC questions on how to do something. If you aren't willing to educate yourself as you go along, then I suggest you turn back to windows now; you'll get banned from any linux forum you join if you ask questions without making at least an attempt at google searching your problem.