i am MCA. how much MAINFRAME training will help me?
2006-05-11 10:34:53 UTC
i am MCA. how much MAINFRAME training will help me?
Six answers:
2006-05-16 02:09:14 UTC
The following points may help:

1. Nowadays, it is reported that even small and medium software houses are conducting aptitude tests. These tests largely consist of puzzles to test the candidate's quick reasoning capacity and problem solving ability. Successful candidates suggest that the aspirants should specifically prepare for such tests, just as they would for a regular theory paper. However strong the candidate may be in the field of computer skills (theory and practical), unless the aptitude test is cleared it is not possible to gain entry into the next level. It is time to get adapted to the present day situation and prepare diligently.

2. Another area that can give MCA candidates a fighting chance is 'Acquiring Professional Certification.'

The certification may be from

a. Microsoft

b. Sun

c. Oracle

d. RedHat

These exams are costly and the candidate has to prepare diligently and aim at clearing the exam in the first attempt. There are institutions, which train and conduct exams for these certifications at Chennai and Bangalore and students should gather full details during their project work and join such an institution and get certification at least in one subject.

3. Almost all the MCA students have exposure to Windows desktop only. Very often, they may not have worked even on Windows 2000. Thus, their training is highly oriented towards desktop. It is often seen that the MCA students are exposed to some casual acquaintance with Unix, confined to some shell programs. But, B2B computing requires sound knowledge of at least Unix/Linux. It would be advisable for MCA students to consciously choose Linux/Unix/AS400/Mainframe platform during their project work (instead of Windows desktop). Even Microsoft, nowadays attaches more importance to Dot Net. ASP.NET, preferably using C# seems to be the only project in the future which will be regarded with high value in the Windows platform. And if the project is done in ASP.NET, the candidate should have hands-on experience in Windows-2003 server and related servers from Microsoft such as

Microsoft Internet Information Server 6

Microsoft SQLServer 2000

Microsoft Exchange Server

Microsoft Biztalk Server

Microsoft Host-Integration Server (for Mainframe connectivity)


Microsoft Commerce Server

Microsoft Active Directory

Many students may not even be aware of the existence of these servers from Microsoft! A number of books are available on such topics from Microsoft Press in collaboration with Prentice-Hall (India). Students should regularly visit leading bookstores at a city nearby so as to be aware of the latest titles being published.

4. When the candidate passes the Aptitude test, he is called for the next round, which once again consists of puzzles (50%) and written test in important subjects like:

C\C++, Data Structures, Networks, Operating systems theory, Database systems theory, Security in Computing (in OS, DB, Network, Communications)

So, the students will do well to revise these subjects thoroughly. They should study the standard textbooks on these subjects regularly and should develop the habit of purchasing the latest and standard books in such subjects. There are a number of books dealing with FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) in C & C++.

5. Unlike Engineering students who are required to do Project Work, for a short duration, MCA students have to do a project for 6 months. It is a pity that even after such rigorous exposure to industry, MCA candidates are ignored! But, it is also equally true that many students do not realize the importance of choosing a correct area for project work. It is a golden opportunity for them to acquire mastery in the chosen field. Very often, students bring in considerations like expenditure etc. and choose the path of least resistance, and approach the issue as a ritual to be completed. This is harmful to their careers though it may help them in acquiring their degree.

What matters in choosing a project is whether it makes us competitive in the job market. Software houses may not always allot projects of importance to students. They have no interest in taking students as trainees. So, the idea of pay-project is not all that bad, provided, the student is given the freedom to gain mastery in a number of relevant skills during the six months, instead of getting stuck up in preparation of tables and the like. Students should not rush into a project. They should carefully make enquiries and spend time in discussing their requirements with the training institutions before selecting the project. It is advisable that students choose projects in J2EE (Java2 Enterprise Edition, JSP, Servlets, EJB & XML service) or ASP.NET only. The reason for this is, MCA students, as the very name of the degree implies, are expected to be good application programmers and the most important application of computers in industry deals with maintenance of huge databases of utmost reliability.

Database topics include:

1. Distributed Databases

2. Object Databases

3. Object-Relational Databases

4. XML Databases

5. Multimedia Databases

Nowadays, Database operations also involve concepts like Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Business Intelligence and OLAP. There are many training institutions in cities like Chennai, which offer specialized training in such areas, specifically related to either Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle.

Students can try and avail the opportunity of learning these topics while doing their project work through evening classes. Nothing bars the student from attending evening classes during their project work or from getting additional professional certification. They should also introduce topics like Datamining/BusinessIntelligence into their project.

Companies say that 80% of the software work is related to domain knowledge rather than coding knowledge. This is not to say that coding knowledge is unimportant but students should aim at acquiring sound knowledge about the applications of computing in the industry. They should choose a good domain for their project work. This may include the following areas:

Human Resources Management (HR)

Customer Relations Management (CRM)

Production Planning



Health Care


Automobile Industry

Sales and Service

Inventory Control .... etc.

The students can acquire good ideas about the fields, which are computerized by going through books on ERP, CRM and SCM (Supply-chain management).

6. Many students delay taking up the project. By the time they begin their project in earnest, nearly two months are gone. The project is supposed to be for a period of 6 months. It is quite possible to master the topic chosen for project work in six months time, because, the students are able to focus their effort and concentrate only on the topic without any distraction.

During the project work, students should maintain a progress diary, and should note down the progress made, technical difficulties encountered and how these were tackled on a regular basis. They should learn to gather information from the web, books and periodicals and also from discussion and consultation with people in the profession. They should learn to interact with people and develop good communication skills in technical matters. The most important thing to be emphasized is that the students should learn by practicing.

Such a record of work, really done, will create a very good impression and also help the students in technical interviews later. There are thousands of middle-level software development firms where programming skill in latest technologies is highly appreciated and required. If the students are suitably prepared it is quite possible to gain entry on the strength of their project and technical expertise. In academic projects, it is not the result, alone which matters. The process of experimentation is equally important. Any worthwhile attempt is likely to fail! It is only trivial things that are assured of success in the first attempt. R & D always fails first and then only succeeds.

7. Nowadays, it is very unlikely that MCA students get a job immediately after acquiring their degree. The results are published only around July and they should expect to get a regular job only after six months, which is by January, next year. After completing their project, they should not waste even a single week. They would do well to join some software development company as unpaid apprentice so that they can show at least six months' experience while applying for jobs. Generally it is very difficult to get an opening, but after that it will be rewarding and smooth sailing. It is reasonable to expect to get a good job after an year of acquiring the MCA degree. During that one year the student should,

Get relevant work experience, but not as a faculty in training institutes/colleges/schools or even as operator in non-software firms. The job profile must be that of a programmer in a software development firm. Any other type of 'experience' is of little value.

Get professional certification. At the time of interview, employers would want to know what the students did after completing MCA and are usually not impressed if the students have done nothing.

8. It appears that it is very difficult to get a call for written test even without 'reference' from people who are already employed in software houses. So, the students should consciously cultivate wide contacts with such people.

9. The days of getting an interview call just on the basis of marks and the resume are over. Most often, the resume so diligently prepared by the students is not even looked into! That does not mean that the resume can be slipshod. However, it is required to get someone in the field to recommend your case to the HR of the company.

10. It is always better to stay in IT cities such as Bangalore and Hyderabad. There are calls for walk-in interviews in newspapers and it would be possible to attend interviews at short notice. Otherwise, it will be very difficult.

11. It is said that IT jobs are advertised more in 'Times of India' newspaper. This newspaper is not readily available in many towns in rural India and in many States especially the Southern and Eastern parts of India.

12. There are a number of web sites like ITjobs.india,, where vacancies are notified. It is very important to browse such sites regularly.

13. If the project is completed sincerely and efficiently, medium level companies which are desperately in need of skilled hands, will relax the criteria regarding experience and will definitely offer an opening. It is said that companies advertise for people with two years of experience, just as a matter of routine and they will relax this condition for skilled people.

14. The resume should be brief and should bring out the special skills of the applicant. That is why project work is very important. Any resume should have a crisp covering letter.

15. There are some firms, which handle all the chores required for recruitment for other software firms. They are commonly called job consultants or placement consultancies. Information about such firms should be gathered and registration should be sought with them so that they can offer a chance at the relevant time. It may cost something but may be helpful in the long run.

16. It is very important to read English dailies and periodicals regularly.

A good command over English language is highly favored in this field, because, the work is being done for American companies, generally. Sadly, the standard of English education has deteriorated and many students and even professionals are incapable of writing faultless English, leave alone speaking good English. Because of BPO, there is now greater awareness of the importance of written and spoken English. It is always important to get into the practice of listening to BBC programs for acquiring correct pronunciation and style.

17. During or after the project work, the students can attend some courses in languages like German, Japanese, Chinese and even Hindi (if you are from South). Hindi will help for All-India projects and other languages are necessary for BPO. In this connection, it may be noted that TCS (Tata Consultancy Services), the leading Software company in India, conducts courses for languages like Japanese, etc.

18. Students should regularly read Computer magazines like

a. Express Computer (weekly)

b. IT (Information Technology) (monthly)

c. Developer2 (Dobb's Journal)(monthly)

d. DeveloperIQ (monthly)

e. Electronics For You

f. Linux For You

These are not highbrow stuff but simple and popular magazines. It is enough if the students get even the back issues from stalls and study them.

19. Students should learn about the latest developments in software field.

20. Students are encouraged to read booklets on Personality Development and Attending Interviews. Even preparing a good resume with a nice covering letter, attending interviews etc. are essential skills and it is very essential for the student to develop such skills.

21. IT-Directory gives details about software companies with their area of interest, email address and postal address. It is very essential to should spare some time in analyzing this information and choose such companies, which are closest to the area in which the project work is being carried out. This is a better method than simply applying for any and every company. A company specializing in Microsoft Technologies may not care much for J2EE expertise and a J2EE shop may not consider an ASP candidate.

22. It is essential to cultivate the habit of browsing the web for the latest trends in computer field (software). Medium level and small companies may appreciate a candidate with awareness of the latest developments.

Very big organizations may not attach importance to this aspect, as they believe in giving in-plant training after recruitment. If all these points are observed, it may not be too difficult to get a posting. And once the posting is acquired, there are great opportunities for an excellent career.

Why Engineers get preference over MCAs?

Theoretically MCA is a more suited course for learning software engineering, since the subjects taught during the three years course over six semesters has more to do with software and less to do with many rudimentary concepts which an engineer is forced to learn during the fourth year.

Since MCA graduates also learn mathematics as a subject during their graduate days, the five papers of mathematics taught in engineering courses in computer science or Information Technology is engineering which is generally skipped; so are all the elementary papers that provide a student with an introduction to engineering missing in an MCA course. This makes the course more focused on software engineering. The six month long project is also an advantage, since that can bring the student close to industry experience.

Yet MCAs are not being preferred for many jobs? This article puts together certain reasons that some of the industry leaders and HR professionals point out. Some of them appear weird. Do note that we are not attempting to find a solution to the problem, but would like suggestions from readers.

1. Embedded development needs strong engineering background-Embedded software development needs strong electronics background. Hence, engineers with a background in electronics engineering get preference over even the IS and CS branches. MCAs fall at the bottom of the choice since the curriculum is very 'softwarish' as an HR professional at a leading Bangalore based company says.

2. Engineers are generally younger than MCA graduates. There seems to be an appeal for youth. However we wonder whether an age difference of two to three years really makes a difference. Apparently, some of the software companies believe in the idiom "the younger, the better".

3. A very important fact which many point out is that engineers are generally more competitive that their MCA cousins. As Bhavana P, a placement consultant in Bangalore says "Some of our clients opine that since the brighter lot gets into engineering after their 12th, they must be better than the MCA graduates, who get into computers much later."

4. One other opinion is "Since engineering curriculum is fairly diverse, the engineers seem to be having better aptitude towards solving problems."

5. A more believable one is that the engineering curriculum is more suited for producing candidates with domain expertise in verticals. "Software is moving from an art of programming, to an engineering subject. The aptitude and the training received by an engineer makes him or her more adaptable at solving problems the engineering way," explains Sadagopan S, a Project Leader with Inforcom Systems. Many who feel that there should be some change in the way the MCA curriculum is designed also share this thought.

But when it comes to many job openings, there is not really any difference seen between both qualifications. "If you are into designing web applications, I really do not see any difference between an MCA holder or an engineering graduate. If you are looking at some of the embedded engineering jobs, it is true that an engineer is preferred," says Ashim Jaidka, Director Embedded Development Group with Microsoft Corporation.

A quick study on Naukri and revealed that nine out of ten jobs where a BE or a B.Tech degree were called for an MCA degree was also accepted.
2016-12-25 00:55:45 UTC
2014-09-11 03:34:30 UTC
It depends on in what technology to wanted to start your career.If you want to start and continue in Mainframes,then obviously you need some kind of training to help you initially.Pick some institute which has some good lab facilities.

Mainframe interview questions
2014-05-07 04:53:45 UTC
dont read such story above .. if u r a fresher ,acorrding to my expearince main frame is a backend code work on java . go to this traiing center human capital -8045354564

their are providing job also after training /
2014-05-26 08:28:39 UTC
Select the institute who Give DEMO for FREE! Through that Demo you can analysis their Efficiency. My references is:

Contact 8939915577

and view this website for more Detail
2006-05-24 21:26:08 UTC
The following points may help:

1. Nowadays, it is reported that even small and medium software houses are conducting aptitude tests. These tests largely consist of puzzles to test the candidate's quick reasoning capacity and problem solving ability. Successful candidates suggest that the aspirants should specifically prepare for such tests, just as they would for a regular theory paper. However strong the candidate may be in the field of computer skills (theory and practical), unless the aptitude test is cleared it is not possible to gain entry into the next level. It is time to get adapted to the present day situation and prepare diligently.

2. Another area that can give MCA candidates a fighting chance is 'Acquiring Professional Certification.'

The certification may be from

a. Microsoft

b. Sun

c. Oracle

d. RedHat

These exams are costly and the candidate has to prepare diligently and aim at clearing the exam in the first attempt. There are institutions, which train and conduct exams for these certifications at Chennai and Bangalore and students should gather full details during their project work and join such an institution and get certification at least in one subject.

3. Almost all the MCA students have exposure to Windows desktop only. Very often, they may not have worked even on Windows 2000. Thus, their training is highly oriented towards desktop. It is often seen that the MCA students are exposed to some casual acquaintance with Unix, confined to some shell programs. But, B2B computing requires sound knowledge of at least Unix/Linux. It would be advisable for MCA students to consciously choose Linux/Unix/AS400/Mainframe platform during their project work (instead of Windows desktop). Even Microsoft, nowadays attaches more importance to Dot Net. ASP.NET, preferably using C# seems to be the only project in the future which will be regarded with high value in the Windows platform. And if the project is done in ASP.NET, the candidate should have hands-on experience in Windows-2003 server and related servers from Microsoft such as

Microsoft Internet Information Server 6

Microsoft SQLServer 2000

Microsoft Exchange Server

Microsoft Biztalk Server

Microsoft Host-Integration Server (for Mainframe connectivity)


Microsoft Commerce Server

Microsoft Active Directory

Many students may not even be aware of the existence of these servers from Microsoft! A number of books are available on such topics from Microsoft Press in collaboration with Prentice-Hall (India). Students should regularly visit leading bookstores at a city nearby so as to be aware of the latest titles being published.

4. When the candidate passes the Aptitude test, he is called for the next round, which once again consists of puzzles (50%) and written test in important subjects like:

C\C++, Data Structures, Networks, Operating systems theory, Database systems theory, Security in Computing (in OS, DB, Network, Communications)

So, the students will do well to revise these subjects thoroughly. They should study the standard textbooks on these subjects regularly and should develop the habit of purchasing the latest and standard books in such subjects. There are a number of books dealing with FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) in C & C++.

5. Unlike Engineering students who are required to do Project Work, for a short duration, MCA students have to do a project for 6 months. It is a pity that even after such rigorous exposure to industry, MCA candidates are ignored! But, it is also equally true that many students do not realize the importance of choosing a correct area for project work. It is a golden opportunity for them to acquire mastery in the chosen field. Very often, students bring in considerations like expenditure etc. and choose the path of least resistance, and approach the issue as a ritual to be completed. This is harmful to their careers though it may help them in acquiring their degree.

What matters in choosing a project is whether it makes us competitive in the job market. Software houses may not always allot projects of importance to students. They have no interest in taking students as trainees. So, the idea of pay-project is not all that bad, provided, the student is given the freedom to gain mastery in a number of relevant skills during the six months, instead of getting stuck up in preparation of tables and the like. Students should not rush into a project. They should carefully make enquiries and spend time in discussing their requirements with the training institutions before selecting the project. It is advisable that students choose projects in J2EE (Java2 Enterprise Edition, JSP, Servlets, EJB & XML service) or ASP.NET only. The reason for this is, MCA students, as the very name of the degree implies, are expected to be good application programmers and the most important application of computers in industry deals with maintenance of huge databases of utmost reliability.

Database topics include:

1. Distributed Databases

2. Object Databases

3. Object-Relational Databases

4. XML Databases

5. Multimedia Databases

Nowadays, Database operations also involve concepts like Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Business Intelligence and OLAP. There are many training institutions in cities like Chennai, which offer specialized training in such areas, specifically related to either Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle.

Students can try and avail the opportunity of learning these topics while doing their project work through evening classes. Nothing bars the student from attending evening classes during their project work or from getting additional professional certification. They should also introduce topics like Datamining/BusinessIntelligenc... into their project.

Companies say that 80% of the software work is related to domain knowledge rather than coding knowledge. This is not to say that coding knowledge is unimportant but students should aim at acquiring sound knowledge about the applications of computing in the industry. They should choose a good domain for their project work. This may include the following areas:

Human Resources Management (HR)

Customer Relations Management (CRM)

Production Planning



Health Care


Automobile Industry

Sales and Service

Inventory Control .... etc.

The students can acquire good ideas about the fields, which are computerized by going through books on ERP, CRM and SCM (Supply-chain management).

6. Many students delay taking up the project. By the time they begin their project in earnest, nearly two months are gone. The project is supposed to be for a period of 6 months. It is quite possible to master the topic chosen for project work in six months time, because, the students are able to focus their effort and concentrate only on the topic without any distraction.

During the project work, students should maintain a progress diary, and should note down the progress made, technical difficulties encountered and how these were tackled on a regular basis. They should learn to gather information from the web, books and periodicals and also from discussion and consultation with people in the profession. They should learn to interact with people and develop good communication skills in technical matters. The most important thing to be emphasized is that the students should learn by practicing.

Such a record of work, really done, will create a very good impression and also help the students in technical interviews later. There are thousands of middle-level software development firms where programming skill in latest technologies is highly appreciated and required. If the students are suitably prepared it is quite possible to gain entry on the strength of their project and technical expertise. In academic projects, it is not the result, alone which matters. The process of experimentation is equally important. Any worthwhile attempt is likely to fail! It is only trivial things that are assured of success in the first attempt. R & D always fails first and then only succeeds.

7. Nowadays, it is very unlikely that MCA students get a job immediately after acquiring their degree. The results are published only around July and they should expect to get a regular job only after six months, which is by January, next year. After completing their project, they should not waste even a single week. They would do well to join some software development company as unpaid apprentice so that they can show at least six months' experience while applying for jobs. Generally it is very difficult to get an opening, but after that it will be rewarding and smooth sailing. It is reasonable to expect to get a good job after an year of acquiring the MCA degree. During that one year the student should,

Get relevant work experience, but not as a faculty in training institutes/colleges/schools or even as operator in non-software firms. The job profile must be that of a programmer in a software development firm. Any other type of 'experience' is of little value.

Get professional certification. At the time of interview, employers would want to know what the students did after completing MCA and are usually not impressed if the students have done nothing.

8. It appears that it is very difficult to get a call for written test even without 'reference' from people who are already employed in software houses. So, the students should consciously cultivate wide contacts with such people.

9. The days of getting an interview call just on the basis of marks and the resume are over. Most often, the resume so diligently prepared by the students is not even looked into! That does not mean that the resume can be slipshod. However, it is required to get someone in the field to recommend your case to the HR of the company.

10. It is always better to stay in IT cities such as Bangalore and Hyderabad. There are calls for walk-in interviews in newspapers and it would be possible to attend interviews at short notice. Otherwise, it will be very difficult.

11. It is said that IT jobs are advertised more in 'Times of India' newspaper. This newspaper is not readily available in many towns in rural India and in many States especially the Southern and Eastern parts of India.

12. There are a number of web sites like ITjobs.india,, where vacancies are notified. It is very important to browse such sites regularly.

13. If the project is completed sincerely and efficiently, medium level companies which are desperately in need of skilled hands, will relax the criteria regarding experience and will definitely offer an opening. It is said that companies advertise for people with two years of experience, just as a matter of routine and they will relax this condition for skilled people.

14. The resume should be brief and should bring out the special skills of the applicant. That is why project work is very important. Any resume should have a crisp covering letter.

15. There are some firms, which handle all the chores required for recruitment for other software firms. They are commonly called job consultants or placement consultancies. Information about such firms should be gathered and registration should be sought with them so that they can offer a chance at the relevant time. It may cost something but may be helpful in the long run.

16. It is very important to read English dailies and periodicals regularly.

A good command over English language is highly favored in this field, because, the work is being done for American companies, generally. Sadly, the standard of English education has deteriorated and many students and even professionals are incapable of writing faultless English, leave alone speaking good English. Because of BPO, there is now greater awareness of the importance of written and spoken English. It is always important to get into the practice of listening to BBC programs for acquiring correct pronunciation and style.

17. During or after the project work, the students can attend some courses in languages like German, Japanese, Chinese and even Hindi (if you are from South). Hindi will help for All-India projects and other languages are necessary for BPO. In this connection, it may be noted that TCS (Tata Consultancy Services), the leading Software company in India, conducts courses for languages like Japanese, etc.

18. Students should regularly read Computer magazines like

a. Express Computer (weekly)

b. IT (Information Technology) (monthly)

c. Developer2 (Dobb's Journal)(monthly)

d. DeveloperIQ (monthly)

e. Electronics For You

f. Linux For You

These are not highbrow stuff but simple and popular magazines. It is enough if the students get even the back issues from stalls and study them.

19. Students should learn about the latest developments in software field.

20. Students are encouraged to read booklets on Personality Development and Attending Interviews. Even preparing a good resume with a nice covering letter, attending interviews etc. are essential skills and it is very essential for the student to develop such skills.

21. IT-Directory gives details about software companies with their area of interest, email address and postal address. It is very essential to should spare some time in analyzing this information and choose such companies, which are closest to the area in which the project work is being carried out. This is a better method than simply applying for any and every company. A company specializing in Microsoft Technologies may not care much for J2EE expertise and a J2EE shop may not consider an ASP candidate.

22. It is essential to cultivate the habit of browsing the web for the latest trends in computer field (software). Medium level and small companies may appreciate a candidate with awareness of the latest developments.

Very big organizations may not attach importance to this aspect, as they believe in giving in-plant training after recruitment. If all these points are observed, it may not be too difficult to get a posting. And once the posting is acquired, there are great opportunities for an excellent career.

Why Engineers get preference over MCAs?

Theoretically MCA is a more suited course for learning software engineering, since the subjects taught during the three years course over six semesters has more to do with software and less to do with many rudimentary concepts which an engineer is forced to learn during the fourth year.

Since MCA graduates also learn mathematics as a subject during their graduate days, the five papers of mathematics taught in engineering courses in computer science or Information Technology is engineering which is generally skipped; so are all the elementary papers that provide a student with an introduction to engineering missing in an MCA course. This makes the course more focused on software engineering. The six month long project is also an advantage, since that can bring the student close to industry experience.

Yet MCAs are not being preferred for many jobs? This article puts together certain reasons that some of the industry leaders and HR professionals point out. Some of them appear weird. Do note that we are not attempting to find a solution to the problem, but would like suggestions from readers.

1. Embedded development needs strong engineering background-Embedded software development needs strong electronics background. Hence, engineers with a background in electronics engineering get preference over even the IS and CS branches. MCAs fall at the bottom of the choice since the curriculum is very 'softwarish' as an HR professional at a leading Bangalore based company says.

2. Engineers are generally younger than MCA graduates. There seems to be an appeal for youth. However we wonder whether an age difference of two to three years really makes a difference. Apparently, some of the software companies believe in the idiom "the younger, the better".

3. A very important fact which many point out is that engineers are generally more competitive that their MCA cousins. As Bhavana P, a placement consultant in Bangalore says "Some of our clients opine that since the brighter lot gets into engineering after their 12th, they must be better than the MCA graduates, who get into computers much later."

4. One other opinion is "Since engineering curriculum is fairly diverse, the engineers seem to be having better aptitude towards solving problems."

5. A more believable one is that the engineering curriculum is more suited for producing candidates with domain expertise in verticals. "Software is moving from an art of programming, to an engineering subject. The aptitude and the training received by an engineer makes him or her more adaptable at solving problems the engineering way," explains Sadagopan S, a Project Leader with Inforcom Systems. Many who feel that there should be some change in the way the MCA curriculum is designed also share this thought.

But when it comes to many job openings, there is not really any difference seen between both qualifications. "If you are into designing web applications, I really do not see any difference between an MCA holder or an engineering graduate. If you are looking at some of the embedded engineering jobs, it is true that an engineer is preferred," says Ashim Jaidka, Director Embedded Development Group with Microsoft Corporation.

A quick study on Naukri and revealed that nine out of ten jobs where a BE or a B.Tech degree were called for an MCA degree was also accepted.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.