instead of hitting enter
Alt Enter
hit those 2 keys together, and you wont get bumped out.
the spaces is not a good idea.
hope this helps.
the example didnt have any indents, but isee what you are saying.
i think you will need the spaces after all.
since its a text only box, it shouldnt have any affect on your excel file. just make sure your print preview looks cool, and it will be ok.
the only time it will ever cause a problem is if you are ever going to have to cut and paste it somewhere other than excel.
edit again
1. yahoo kinda sucks at that.
.........most people put a bunch of dots, and say dots
.........represent spaces
you probably want to be using word for this.
but since we are in exce heres some ideas.
1. start over on a clean new sheet
2. this might be a rare case where you might want to merge cells
.....2a highlight like 5 cells across
.....2b right click and choose format cells
.....2c in the alignment cells tab choose merge(row&col)
.....2d all you need to do is expand row number 1 height.
3. input all your stuff then do 2d