I tend to censor my answers about Ubuntu (which I have problems with) unless I'm answering his questions or those of someone who has as low an opinion of it as I do. He has a high opinion of it and gives good Ubuntu-specific answers whereas mine are more generic Linux answers. I use the Debian distribution which Ubuntu is derived from. As such I'm seeing plenty of misinformation in these answers, which is setting me off.
The result of Ubuntu being derived from debian is it uses .deb files. These are data files. They are not self-extracting archives such as the exe files that people are talking about. A program called dpkg extracts and installs executable files from .deb files. It is called by other programs such as apt, synaptic and so forth. You can get information about it by opening a terminal and typing "man dpkg". Man is a help program. It's possible a livecd doesn't have the dpkg man page installed, but one would hope it would.
The generic Linux answer for how to access the web is, you need to know the make and model of your ethernet card, and you need to find out the name of the driver for it. You can usually find out the name by looking in the control panel. I haven't checked it in years. You then enter the name of the card, plus the word Linux, into a search engine. You should get it. Type lsmod and you will see a list of modules and drivers installed. If you don't see it, look in /lib/modules to see if you can locate the driver (which you usually can this being Linux).
If you are accessing the net through dialup, then you are probably using a win-modem. Winmodems are usually controlled by proprietary software. There are and always have been legal and other issues regarding the cloning of them, and there is probably no driver to install for your modem.
If you have the driver name, type, in a terminal "sudo modprobe
". Then, if you don't get an error message "sudo ifconfig" to make sure the hardware has associated it with eth0 or whatever then "sudo ifconfig eth0 up" or replace eth0 with whatever you see listed. However, if the only thing you see listed is lo when you type ifconfig, then the computer does not recognize your ethernet card at all. Assuming all went well, and you told ifconfig to bring eth0 up type "sudo ping -c2 www.google.com" and you should either get the message your computer sent 2 packets to google or the message it couldn't resolve the namespace. If it's the latter type "sudo dhcpcd eth0". Once the driver's loaded that's like the atom bomb of getting on. Try to ping google again and if it doesn't work, give up.
As for repositories and so forth, type "man apt" in the console for more information and read the entries in the /etc/apt/sources.list file.