This is what I would do:
First, create the recovery disks using VAIO Care, them do this, and if something goes wrong, recover the system.
Vaio care - Very good app. clean the register and keep your system optimized
vaio content metadata intelligent analyzing manager - These (metadata) are necessary ofr some app to run. So I would not touch them.
vaio content metadata intelligent network service manager
vaio content metadata manager settings
vaio content metadata xml interface library
vaio content monitoring settings - not sure what this is. check if it runs any process in your system, if it doesn´t, don´t touch it.
vaio control center - keep it. Does not run a process and is an easy shortcut to your VAIO properties
vaio data restore tool - Windows has one too. not really necessary
vaio dvd menu data - Runs with the PMB programs. if you use PMB leave it
vaio entertainment platform - same as above
vaio event service - DO NOT TOUCH THIS
vaio help and support - Just a document. no reason for you to uninstall
vaio media plus - If you dont use it, there is no reason to have it
vaio media plus opening movie - same as above
vaio movie story template data - If you dont use PMB, you can uninstall it
vaio oobe and startup assistant - can be uninstalled
vaio original function settings - DO NOT TOUCH THIS
vaio personalization manager - not sure what this is about. check if it is using memory, otherwise, leave it
vaio power management - It is a cool tool that helps you to personalize your battery use. up to you, but I would leave it
vaio quick web access - There is a button called WEB on your vaio. if your computer is off, you can press this button and surf the web (linux based) leave it
vaio survey - it will pop up after 90 days to prompt you for a survey. I would leave then, after taking the survey (help them to improve), uninstall it
vaio trasfer support - Windows has a tool for it. safe to uninstall
vaio update - you should run this once in a while. leave it
vaio wallpaper contents - if you dont use the vaio wallpapers, uninstall it.