Here's the dowload page for Suse
I don't think you'll find a free way to get the cd's shipped to you. There's like 5 of them. I think you only need the first 2.
There is a thing at that will run an os inside of your os without having to install it.
You install the vmware player and then download an os here and the os trials are usually about 1 cd in size if that helps.
I tried suse, ubuntu, slackware, fedora, and a few others in one shot. I decided on Suse or Slackware until I ran into a thing called pcbsd. Suse is going to be mainstream and probably the best pick, but I'm not looking to replace windows, so I went with pcbsd which is more secure and stable since it's based on freebsd.
Anyway, you need to get on a machine with a high speed connection or get a download manager and run it over night downloading while you sleep, then get up and stop it, and then start it again the next night. I downloaded suse 9 with dial up using this thing