have a look at this link
should I stick to windows = no
Will linux make my computer faster and safer = yes
is it cool = oooh yes
concerning antivirus, there are some virus's for linux but they are in a laboratory, as far as i know there are no 'in the wild' virus's for linux,
linux is a lot more secure than windows, all the software you need is in your software manager, thoroughly tested,
if there was a virus in your repository then everyone who uses that repository will have it,
for instance - i use mandriva with rpm (redhat package management) software, redhat, fedora, suse, pclinuxos, etc also use rpm's - don't you think that someone would know,
and how would you get a virus if you don't continually download software from unrecognized sources on the web ? (like windows users)
yes, i hear you say 'but there are antivirus programs for linux, so there must be virus's'
these programs are not for detecting linux virus's, they are for detecting windows virus's that are embeded or distributed through e-mail attachments,
you will get e-mails from windows machines, using your e-mail client (kmail, for instance) that could have an infected attachment, if you forward that mail to a windows machine it could get infected,
you will not be infected though as windows virus's cannot run on the linux file system,
its the linux way of protecting windows (a minor way)
don't believe me ?
google linux virus, and check the date
note - kde4 unstable ????? it used to be, many moons ago,
kde4 is shipped with nearly all distro's that use the K Desktop Environment