2011-04-01 11:32:46 UTC
"MakeMKV 1.6.6 (bin).tar.gz" & "MakeMKV 1.6.6 (oss).tar.gz".
>>> Their forum page:
>>> told me to first download both files. I did that! Then it told me to use this line in Terminal:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev libssl-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libqt4-dev
>>> I did that! It downloaded & installed ~90MB of files. Next, it told me this:
Unpack both packages and starting from source package do the following steps for each package:
make -f makefile.linux
sudo make -f makefile.linux install
The application will be installed as "/usr/bin/makemkv".
>>> I extracted both folders to desktop. I don't get what to do next! What to type (step-by-step)????