Well there are tons of opportunities.
The best Limewire to be had is from www.freelimewirepro.net
I run Limewire pro which I got from this website - and it's very good and reliable. It certainly isn't a virus, but occasionally my network stinks and I like to have a backup to downloading.
I use Miro a lot, it's basically a supercharged podcasting/free internet TV thing - and it's open source and free.
Backups to streaming radio or downloading new music are things like Rathole Radio - http://feeds2.feedburner.com/RatholeRadio-ogg
Now this is 'eclectic' music - massive range in tastes - from a guy who knows his music. Excellent music and all is available for free and legal download.
My replacement for iTunes about 12 months back) was Songbird - it's better. I also like Amarok and Rhythmbox - which have streaming music plugged in there.
Now if you're interested in finding a dozen websites where you can explore, listen and legally download music, get over to the link below (I wrote a 'catch-all' question for a website that has problems about people asking questions about music downloads).