My games were working fine before I had this tech guy working on my computer to do things that would supposedly make it go faster. I noticed that he changed the paging file size. After that, Windows would interrupt my games because it was running low on memory and it gave you the option to close the program. I got tired of this happening so I went back to the paging file settings and changed it so that Windows automatically managed the paging file size for all the drivers. Ever since I did this, my games will crash. I get a message that says a problem caused the game to stop working correctly and Windows will close it. This is so annoying because sometimes I lose progress on my games. I went back to the paging file size and changed it to what Windows recommended and set the maximum to 1600 MB. Now I'm back to Windows telling me it's running low on memory after a few minutes of playing my games. What should my paging file size be? I have 25685 MB of available space and Windows recommends that the paging file size for all drivers be 1534 MB. It also says that the minimum allowed is 16 MB. The games that cause issues are The Sims 3 (with most of the expansion packs and stuff packs) and Spore. I don't know much about computers. Help!