I saw this software at one News Magazine office. They are creating graphic designs within seconds with the Key Board. I think it is useful to many graphic design users like T.V, and media, Multi Media, Advertisers, Advertising agencies, Images, Pictures, all types of Printing ( press ) works, and Artistic display of any product, Films and Vedio field., Cartoon movie makers, Cell or Mobile phones, Artists, Crafts, business people, Desk Top Publishers, Web designers, Personal Computers, Digital images, Digital photo studios, Architects and Engineers for designing artwork on Glass, Gates, Grills, Walls, Doors, Wood and Cane designers, Ceramic paintings, Radium designers & Cutters, Interior decorators, Metal designers, Gold or any Ornament manufacturers or designers,Designing and Printing., Hand looms and Power Looms, Fabric designing and painting, Embroidery, Stiching, Fashion designing and other fields.
I need that package, kindly give me the details above any one, how to purchace it.