Someone recently asked a similar question: Here is my answer and why I no longer use Windows:
I don't have to put up with things breaking that are very difficult to fix. When something goes wrong with Windows, sometimes it is impossible to fix and you have to reinstall everything. If not, finding the problem can be very difficult and time consuming. With Linux, when something breaks, it is much easier to fix it than to fix the equivalent problem with Windows.
I NEVER have to reinstall Linux when something goes wrong, no matter how badly it goes wrong. With Windows, re-installation is a regular occurrence.
When something breaks, I almost NEVER have to reinstall a program or a driver. With windows, that, too, is a regular occurrence. "Reinstall" is the mantra of Windows techs.
I NEVER have the registry bloat or corrupt. Why? Because Linux does not have a registry. It simply does not need one.
I don't have to put up with bloated over priced software. All of my office and development tools, DB server, web server, etc. are free.
I don't have to put up with Word stopping working because it thinks I'm pirating it. Open/Libre Office does not have this problem.
I NEVER get blue screens. Linux does not do that. The equivalent is a kernel panic, and those are extremely rare. All you have to do to get Windows to blue screen is look at it cross eyed while passing gas: "stop 0x0000000c user farted while looking at me meanly."
If I change my mother board or other hardware, I don't have to reinstall Linux. I just power it back up and it boots and runs. Want to kill Windows? Change ide access to ahci and watch it blue screen.
I don't have to put up with finding hard to get or unavailable drivers. Linux has far more hardware drivers than Windows will ever have.
When I setup a new linux box, I copy my /home and /opt directory over, and all of my user settings and files and documents and programs and etc., are all there ready to run, and very few programs actually need to be reinstalled. Just copy the files over and run them. No registry bloat, no dll hell, just copy and you are off and running.
I don't have to put up with insane install times. How long does it take to get Microsoft SQL Server installed and running? Hours! With MySql, I can install a binary distribution in five minutes, and have it up and running. Today, for example, I wiped all of the tables in a MySql installation, copied over the ./mysql data directory from a working install, started up the server and by doing so all of my logins and user accounts and security was there ready and waiting. I then dumped my production database from box A and loaded into the new box in five minutes. Took a potty break. In less than 20 minutes I had a brand new MySql install up and running and loaded with production data. Try that with MSSQL!!!