The best way that I can come up with for that to work would probably be with a Clustered Column chart.
Select blank range in your worksheet starting in Cell B2 that is one column wider than the number of stocks to be shown and one row longer than to number of dates to be shown and then insert a Clustered Column chart.
Create the entries for the left column:
Format Column B chart cells as Date 3/14
Enter the first date in the Cell B3 as text in the form '1/30
Enter the second date in Cell B4 in normal day/month form
Enter =B4+7 in Cell B5 and copy it down to the bottom of the selected range.
(This complexity is necessary to get reasonably wide columns in the chart.)
In Row 2 starting with Cell C2 enter the names of the stocks.
Enter the stock prices in appropriate cells for the rest of the chart,
Right click on a stock name, select Format Legend, select bottom for the legend position.
The x axis (along the bottom) now shows dates and stocks.
The y axis (on the left) shows prices.
You can change the cart type to Stacked Column to show your total results and each stock's contribution.
Changing the chart type to Line, or Stacked Line, or Stacked Area would still leave the stock and date labels on the x axis and give you an alternate looks.
You could try other chart types but I would be surprised if you found another that would be better than the previous choices.