safe to delete these files?
2012-08-10 11:39:01 UTC
c:\multimedia files
c:\documents and settings
c:\users\me\my documents
c:\users\me\documents\my music
c:\users\me\documents\my pictures
c:\users\me\documents\my videos
Five answers:
The Outcaste
2012-08-10 14:03:08 UTC
What version of Windows is now installed, and was this system upgraded from a Win9x system? Some if this looks like leftovers after upgrades rather than clean installs.

If this system had some serious file corruption, some of those folders may be in the wrong location if their parent directory was corrupted. e.g., C:\Program Files\Media Player\multimedia files could become c:\multimedia files if the Media Player directory entry was corrupted.


Don't know what this one is so I'd leave it and do some research. First thing I found for those letters is Microsoft Communication Protocols, but didn't dig deep enough to see if that uses this folder name, or where it should be located, e.g., Under Windows or Program Files\Common Files

c:\multimedia files

Safe to delete if you don't need it's contents. This could be a misplaced folder from some media application, and should actually be under Program Files someplace.


This contains the installers for applications that shipped with the system. HP computers use this folder. The installers are run the first time you try to use a program. Safe to delete if you don't need to use/install any of the preinstalled applications. I'd back it up on a flash drive/DVD first. It's possible (but unlikely) that some applications may keep some of their files here to save space. They would cease to function if this is removed


Don't delete



These two are used by Win9x systems. If this is Win2K or later and not a dual boot system you can delete these


Firefox can use a user.js file to set user preferences instead of using the about-config dialog. This would usually be in the Firefox profile folder. Could have been placed here due to a corrupted directory, or someone may have copied it here for a backup. Open it in Notepad to see what it is. Probably safe to delete.


Not used in win2k or later, though Win9x programs may complain if it's missing


Do not even think about deleting

c:\documents and settings

Do not delete, symbolic link for pre-Vista programs to use. Though it's possibly a real folder, left over from an upgrade from Win2K.XP See below to check


Do not delete

c:\users\me\my documents

c:\users\me\documents\my music

c:\users\me\documents\my pictures

c:\users\me\documents\my videos

If running Vista or later (with a C:\Users folder you are), these 4 are symbolic links so that programs written for XP and earlier can work. Do not delete.

You can verify that these are symbolic links by opening a command prompt (SHould open at C:\Users\me) and type Dir /AD

These will be flagged rather than

Do Dir C:\ /AD to check the c:\documents and settings folder


Without seeing the entire key, I'd have to say don't delete

config.msi is not in the list, but is safe to delete. It will be recreated if necessary. It's a temp folder used by the Windows Installer (formerly MicroSoft Installer, hence MSI), but it doesn't delete the folder when finished.
2016-10-04 12:37:14 UTC
Un-assess Compressed historic records as this could take a LOT of time. Data too perhaps misplaced. All the opposite records are transitority records that are meant to had been deleted via the program that created them, however weren't. Recycle bin has records that you just desire to delete. Temp web records are records that your internet browser IE shops to exhibit the portraits or gadgets to you.
2012-08-10 11:48:03 UTC
These are the only ones I'd remove:

c:\users\me\my documents

c:\users\me\documents\my music

c:\users\me\documents\my pictures

c:\users\me\documents\my videos

and ONLY if you have nothing in them you want to keep.

You can remove the rest of them if you want but your computer won't work after that.
2012-08-10 11:47:02 UTC
Safe? You will not die or become ill if you delete those folders and files. Your computer, however, will be toast.
2012-08-10 11:40:40 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.