...Edit 27-07-09
Thanks for the clarification of your requirement.
Use one column for each of your character's parameters, then use the following formula above each column:
=INDEX(Xa:Xb , ROUND(1 + RAND() * c , 0 ))
Substitute for X, a, b and c
X = the column letter
a = the row number at which your parameters start
b = the row number at which your parameters end
c = the total number of parameters in the column minus 1 or just (b - a)
For example, the first column might be the character's christian name.
Row number: Column A
For this parameter, the formula would be entered as:
=INDEX(A5:A9 , ROUND(1 + RAND() * 4 , 0))
You can populate as many parameter tables as you like, eg:
1stName, Surname, HomeTown, Occupation, Age, Marital status, ShoeSize... etc... etc...
As with my previous answer, re-calculating the spreadsheet (F9) will select a new set of random numbers for the parameter index look-up.