try the newer version...
download ubuntu 12.04.1 I installed it and it runs much better
they fixed a lot of bugs :)
they claim you don't half to install it if you already have 12.04 but I disagree
I installed it and it does run a lot better :)
give it a go..
and remember..
your system is "nice"
load it up with goodies! (found below)
could be a driver issue i agree it should not run slow its fast on my system
try the updated 12.04.1 (came out few days a go) you'll get newer nvidia drivers I promises
I did. probably new kernel to :) just do a clean install of 12.04.1 its what I did.
runs like a champ :) MUCH better then 12.04
grab a free copy of vmware player (just like vmware workstation)
then go grab
windows 8 enterprise 90 day trial copy (free)
and in ubuntu you can pull up vmware player (free) to load windows 8 free
and if you need to update your "tom tom" or check ink printer status
or whatever you gota do in windows you can
also vmware player will mount usb devices!
say you have a ipod or apple product or printer or whatever that needs windows
now you can have both
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