Is there a big difference between Max OS X and PC Linux OS?
2009-05-05 03:26:26 UTC
Need to upgrade my PC, but am open to buying an imac, the thing is if imacs are only deemed good because of the operating system then wouldn't I get a similar result from using a PC with Linux installed?
Four answers:
2009-05-05 03:40:32 UTC
Get an iMac.
Linux can be VERY hard to use.
Mac OS, is a LOT easier to use.
Unless you are comfortable with lots of command-line typing (i.e. looks like DOS), you should definitely get MAC OS X.
Mac OS has lots of software that you can buy off the shelf, linux has none. Installing applications on linux can be very tricky.
Linux is getting easier to use, but is not even close to Mac OS in terms of usability. It is a similar experience working on them once you've got everything up and running, but getting applications to work can be a nightmare in Linux.
(You may be asking this question because you heard that they are similar. They are similar in the architecture behind the operating system in that they are both UNIX based, but in terms of desktop experience, they are quite different.)
2009-05-05 06:33:46 UTC
It really depends upon you. If you use your computer primarily for things like web browsing, image editing or word processing then a Mac is probably overkill and Linux should be fine for you. You'll definitely get more power for the money. Most distributions, like Ubuntu, have repositories of software available. To install it, you go to the menu and select Add Programs (the wording differs based upon distro but it pretty obvious), then select what you want to install from a list. It's very easy as long as you use standard apps. Non-Standard apps can be tricky, but the same is true of Mac OS. Mac OS is built upon BSD, which is similar to Linux, so they do have some commonalities. Another issue is gaming - if you're into gaming, definitely stick with Windows. There's little support or applications for either Linux or Mac OS.
If you're thinking of upgrading your hardware, I'd recommend you go to and download the Live CD. That will give you a chance to play with it before you make a decision.
2016-12-03 17:18:12 UTC
OS X is written in a distinctive laptop language (binary code, like 0101 1010), whilst in comparison with the abode windows language, (same digits are used, yet interpreted (compiled) in a distinctive way. perplexed yet? do no longer hassle, it ain't uncomplicated to 'dig', in case you get my waft. elect an occasion? ok, right here is going: permit's say the OS X (working device X, Apple or Mac) translates an 8-bit (2 bytes), like 0101 1010 as an A (uppercase), and abode windows (Microsoft or IBM like minded) as an 'a' (lowercase), there could be what's called incompatible code for the CPU (powerful Processing Unit, Microprocessor, Brains), of the workstation or Mac. are you able to be sure the undertaking? that's the reason that the two are not getting alongside, they do no longer look to be like minded. (Apple has now tried to make it greater 'like minded' with its OS to be on a 'handshaking' term with abode windows, to make it achieveable for the two OSs to get alongside.) some years in the past it became right into a nicely-liked concept that Macs have been for the lazy or unintelligent laptop consumer, using fact all ordinary initiatives have been finished for you and that made it greater convenient to run a working laptop or laptop, (by no skill suggestions the cost). for my area, Apple goofed, they had to make it uncomplicated to run their working device and value enormous dollars. Microsoft (abode windows) made it a device open to builders to create classes, thereby offering many greater classes to the regular public at a lesser cost than Mac (Apple). it remains a reality that Macs are much less difficulty to coding and Virus problems, in spite of the shown fact that it is likewise a reality that if one spends it sluggish in growing to be familiar with abode windows you get to income greater of the 'innards' of an OS (working device). ;-)
2009-05-05 03:36:37 UTC
linus to me is better but i guess every ones difrent..this is a none biased article so you can compare -