How does Linux compare to Mac OS X?
Aaron Tennies
2009-05-29 16:39:41 UTC
This is probably a pretty generic question, since I'm pretty much asking people's opinions, but I would really like to know. I understand that Mac OS's and all types of Linux OS's are all loosely based on Unix somewhere up the line. I have used Mac OS X many times, but I have never used a Linux operating system. How does it compare to Mac OS X in terms of ease of use, user interface, speed, and compatibility with other OS's? (By the way, if you don't know what "OS" means, then you are probably not qualified to answer this question.) I also know that "Linux" is somewhat general, would Mac OS X compare to...say...Ubuntu Linux in the terms listed above?
Six answers:
2009-05-29 17:02:05 UTC
Check it out for yourself. If your computer has 512 or more of RAM go to:

Download the ISO and burn it. Restart your computer with the LinuxMint disk in your drive. You can try it out without making any changes to your computer.

It is completely false that you need to input source code. Most programs can be installed from the software or package managers. Others can be download and installed with a universal installer. I have installed Linux on many computers for seniors (some over 90) and none of them have had problems.
2009-05-29 17:40:29 UTC
some people just don't understand computers at all

Michele C need to learn OS/x is not Solaris Unix It is BSD unix a totally different breed of computer programing language

Getting back to Linux the Mac OS/x does not compare at all to Linux it does not even come close to Linux capabilities.

Mac OS/x is designed for mac hardware only, that make it easy for Apple Mac to get things stable and make things simple on the single 2D user desktop like windows it's not got to be to complicated hence windows has only one 2D single user desktop

Linux can be setup to have different 3D desktops , using KDE, Gnome or Xfce and then there are the 2D desktops for the less capable computer systems

No matter what flavor of linux you pick they are easy to use and find your way around them
2009-05-29 21:27:07 UTC
I HATE MAC!!! I have to use it all the time at work. It infuriates me to no end, especially when the network goes down. The entire network is made up of Apple products. I'm the only one who can get it back online. It sucks trying to get anything done on a Mac. ANYTHING!!!

I love my computer so much better (Vista/Sabayon/LynxOS [old, I know; believe it or not] multi-boot; yeah!) I can get so much done with Vista (I disguised it to look like OS X with the push of two hot-keys, and I can change it back just as easily), and whatever I can't do in Vista (which is basically nothing), I can do in Sabayon. Vista + Linux = DREAM TEAM!!! Linux (or vista) boots so much faster than Mac, and it is so hard to get good software and customizers for Mac, whereas in Linux (and vista or xp [hate xp btw]) it just takes a little know-how and you can customize it in like 5 minutes. It is so easy to install stuff in Linux (after you compile crap forever, you kinda memorize how to do it), whereas in mac, sometimes it's easy and sometimes it's hard as heck!!!

Plus since there are so few viruses for Mac, there are like 0 anti-virus programs for Mac, except Norton which blows anyway. If you DO somehow get a virus on a Mac, you are DONE!!!

Anything Mac can do Vista and/or Linux can do better, always!!!

(runs into Apple Corp; destroys all computers and iPhones; leaves the iPods) Got a little carried away.

BTW: Carling my Vista desktop is 3D, and if you don't believe me, I'll show everyone...
Michele C
2009-05-29 16:44:26 UTC
My leopard IS Solaris/UNIX.

I love it. It just works all the time.

My UNIX based iMac boots in 90 SECONDS.

Not an opinion just a fun fact.
Tré Cool
2009-05-29 16:44:07 UTC
This is not opinion it is fact.

Linux uses very few resources

mac uses many resources and can take upwards of 5 minutes to boot

there are a FEW viruses for mac

there are NO viruses for linux

linux is open source

mac is not open source
2009-05-29 16:43:19 UTC
To install something in Linux.

You have to put in all these codes and number and letters n' stuff.

Harder than Mac.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.