NO. Windows 7 is no longer supported. No security updates.
You have problems than can be fixed. The main reason Windows 10 is running slow is too many programs running in the background when the computer starts.
Open TASK MANAGER and look at the Start Up Tab. Disable all those start up programs except the ones you actually need to start, Like Windows Security.
Another reason Windows 10 Runs slow is third party anti virus programs. Like Norton.
Again Take a look at Task Manager Performance TAB and see how much Memory your using. Then look at the Process Tab and see which process is using the most memory.
If you have Norton install it will be at the top of the list, hogging all your memory.
You DO NOT NEED a Third Party Anti Virus Program. Windows Security (Defender) is a good anti virus program.
The last thing you could do is upgrade your Hard Drive to a Solid State Drive.
Replace your Hard Drive with a SSD and do a Clean Install, you will be shocked at how fast the computer runs on a SSD after a Clean Install.