windows 10. is it worth downloading?
2016-03-08 11:59:47 UTC
windows 10. is it worth downloading?
119 answers:
2016-03-08 12:44:18 UTC
I guess. I am still rocking 8.1, and i don't necessarily like what Microsoft has done with Win 10 in some ways, when it comes to sending data etc. This shouldnt bother more than 10% of people or less in real speaking terms tho.

Its a good operation system.

Do remember "Upgrading" from a previous version of windows will eliminate the previous key, Create a new OEM key for windows 10. OEM Will say that if you will need to change hardware like Graphics card, RAM or anything in your pc will also make this key useless. it locks to one configuration and that configuration only.
2016-03-11 11:57:21 UTC
Generally companies are looking for your buying/browsing habits so that they can aim specific advertisements at you. If you have ever noticed when you do a search for something like a printer, then you get many ads with printers in them or other related items. It's not necessarily a bad thing but some people hate being spied on in any matter. If you have Windows 8, then 10 is better in my opinion. If you have Windows 7, I would hesitate unless 10 has some new features you really want. Windows 8 was an attempt to take desktops to tablet mode which most people did not like. Windows 10 is a better compromise where it feels more like a desktop again but has tablet mode still present. I think the real goal is to emulate smart phones, which is good for people use to smart phones and I believe the reason it is free is so people will want to purchase future smartphones running windows 10 instead of apple or android. Also, if you decide you don't like Win10, it gives you a certain time period where you can revert back to your old OS. So try it for a few weeks, then switch back if you don't like it.
2016-03-12 03:41:58 UTC
Windows 10, the latest update to the PC operating system, is about to launch. But for many, that might be cause for concern not excitement – after the mostly disastrous release of Windows 8 – so is it worth downloading?

The short answer is almost certainly yes: Windows 8 might have had its problems, but Microsoft has been up front about addressing them in the latest update, focusing on customer feedback to try and avoid any big slipups.
2016-03-10 08:03:19 UTC
Is up to the operation windows system that is require a 64 bits and up .I switch once on the windows 8.1 but it get slow as hell ,which you will lose some original operating programs during the installation ,and you need to reinstall the window 8 or 8.1 from recovery and reinstall program .This will take hours to be done and will slow down the computer than original manufacturer setting mode and also windows 10 does not have better and fast access features as window 8.1 have .For example it take 10 minute till I found out how to open the control panel cause you will not see any category in the Internet option to access the program. .
2016-03-12 08:21:16 UTC
Personally, I hate Windows 10 for a number of reasons...the most annoying being the removal of and/or new restrictions that prevent me from using tools that require low-level or direct access. I honestly really had an easier time dealing with Linux than troubleshooting problems on Windows 10. The thing that irks me most is that WINDOWS 10 STILL HAS THE SAME BUGS AS 7 AND 8, AND THEN SOME, despite me sending detailed data on how to patch it. You can take a stroll through MSDN to see how "great" windows 10 is.
2016-03-14 15:31:28 UTC
If you have Windows 8 or 8.1, DO. Anything is better than 8.

If you have 7, research it to see if you like it. It still has the start menu, plus both Apps from Windows 8 and Tablet Mode are still present.

I use 10, but you might have some problems with wireless stuff down along the line. There are some useful fixes for that problem.
2016-03-09 06:12:24 UTC
No. Do not 'upgrade.' Do not download. If you have another OS on your computer, Windows 10 will likely cause BSOD issues. Look up your model of computer that you have, and search to see if there are issues by other users in switching over to Windows 10.

Also, Windows 10 is spyware. The entire OS. The moment you install it. It data mines everything you do, even when you are offline, every key stroke, every web search and visit, your contacts, private banking information. Everything is subject under the EULA to be collected by Microsoft, and it can be shared with third party advertisers. This is how Microsoft gets around calling their virus OS 'free.' It's not. You're signing off to be treated like a subject under an electronic Stasi. If you have Windows 8, and want to upgrade, you at the least need to install Spybot Anti-Beacon, which will block some of the more objectionable behavior of MS. You need to also go to YouTube and search videos on 'protect privacy on Windows 10,' so you can acquaint yourself with turning off many of the worst aspects of the system's spyware features (log in with local account, turn off location and block everything on privacy settings, turn off Cortana, etc.). You need to do this. If you do not, then you are asking third party advertisers to have most all of your information. I should warn, however, that even if you do all of this, Microsoft still has back door access to your OS and can continue to partake in data mining activities. It is only blocking some of what they do.

If you have Windows 7, I would stay with it. Windows 7 is probably the last good OS Microsoft will ever produce. From now on, apparently, the company seems to prefer the model of having the OS version of Facebook (monitoring and selling clientele's information for revenue). If you do not care or mind being treated this way, then good luck. The only nice thing I will say about Windows 10, its UI is at least an improvement over Windows 8. Otherwise, I would bypass it or (as I did) switch over entirely to another OS.
2016-03-11 06:05:06 UTC
I like Windows 7 Most. I heard that Windows 10 have some security issues.
2016-03-17 03:32:44 UTC
Yes. Most valuable Windows OS is Windows 10
2016-03-10 12:55:23 UTC
YES. I have it on all my 3 computers and it is awesome.

Yesterday I bought another laptop with Windows 10 to replace my old one (which also had Windows 10).

I've used every version of Windows since 95 and 10 is the best.
2016-03-13 20:50:05 UTC
Windows 10 is way better on PC's that have Windows 10 built into them as the first version. Windows 10 is faster than Windows 8 in most situations and it looks pretty, but that's about the only difference.
K.k. Sharma
2016-03-11 06:39:06 UTC
Definately yes it is worth.

No doubt about windows 10 which has special new features

But because it is new so the performance is not came in market.

System configuration also plays role in its working.

Windows 8 specially designed for touch screen PCs .

Windows 7 is the best in performanc as well as in appearance and look GUI.

Its up that which kind of operating system you want to install. And for what purpose you going to work .
2016-03-10 14:53:11 UTC
I would say yes, it is worth downloading. It is a beautiful cross between windows 8 and windows 7. Also, if you decide you don't like Win10, it gives you a certain time period where you can revert back to your old OS. So try it for a few weeks, then switch back if you don't like it.
2016-03-10 03:27:55 UTC
i would say that it is worth downloading! the reason is that it is free now, but later on it will cost you money. Many people complain about windows 10's privacy policy, but the truth is that even windows 7 and vista will eventually require the same policy acceptance. So.... yeah, no avoiding that elephant in the room. might as well get the newest and best windows while it is free. Even if you have an old computer, just turn off the animations and your computer will run the same and will be "more secure" theoretically.
2016-03-09 13:01:55 UTC
I upgraded from windows 7 a few months ago and so far so good. Before upgrading, I did some reading on windows 10 and was hesitant but it hasn't really done me wrong, nor has it done the things people complained about. The ONLY thing was that there are some games (steam) that will crash at first.
2016-03-13 21:26:05 UTC
Well, it depends. I personally like windows 10 alot :D the only problem is that it auto updates [you can change this setting].

I'm a gamer and it drastically improved my fps.

If you're on windows 7, I recommend not downloading it. However, if you're running windows 8/8.1 I definitely recommend installing it, this is just my personal opinion.

At the end of the day it all comes to preference.

I suggest trying it and if you like it, keep it. If you dislike it, you can always revert back to your older version c:
2016-03-13 19:33:12 UTC
My opinion, NO. Unless the manufacture of your system has a updated BIOS and drivers for W10. Been there and done it with the download.

Recourse was to build 2 systems that specifically supported W10 Pro and bought the OS. Very much a better experience. Content for the moment, but not perfect.

W10 is very spooky. As others have said, it wants information about you. Lots of glitter, does not seem be able to get with the program and go. Always trying to ask questions.

OS is fast, but no thunder. A lot of energy conservation. Service's shows most items set to manual settings, a controller runs them on demand. You will have to learn how to shut items off that you, yourself do not want or need.

Maybe it will get better.......
2016-03-10 12:13:54 UTC
I like Windows 7. I heard that Windows 10 is way different and hard to get used to.
2016-03-10 00:00:51 UTC
I m still with windows xp 3 though there is no more support still using strong passwords and a good security the only problem is most website require a better os and browser to use it windows 7 I m upgrading to is better if try windows 10 and don t like it akways convert back to your old os give it a try windows 10
2016-03-13 18:46:34 UTC
If you think windows 7 was good windows 10 is windows 7 but on steroids.
2016-03-12 03:38:34 UTC
Very bad OS. Dont Install it. it's a worse Os than windows 8. Windows 7 is the best Os ever. BTw you can try it but dont keep it long or wait for few months for the developer's upgrade. Because Lots of problems you may face ie.. registry, hard disk encryption etc. are the problems. enjoy windows 7. Old is gold my friend.
2016-03-08 12:07:28 UTC
Things to know before upgrading to Windows 10.

Windows 7 and 8.1 is far better then 10. Windows 10 is far better at being spyware then any OS previously released to date.

With Windows 10, M$ owns your system.

YOU can no longer pick the updates you want installed.

THEY can choose which drivers are installed.

THEY can choose what THEY want on your system.

THEY even installed a backdoor in it so THEY can SPY on you at all times.

We all thought Windows 8 would be the worse OS M$ would release and they learned there lesson. They made some good improvements in 8 when they released 8.1. At that point we thought M$ was on the path to redemption. Then they come along with 10 and proved us wrong. People who make a profit off spyware and love the government knowing what you do on a daily basis are truly in love with Windows 10 and think it is the best OS M$ ever released. You got to admit tho, they thought this out. They first developed a OS so bad that just about every one hated and only got 23% of the user to move to it, Windows 8. Most of them had no choice when buying a new puter. With everyone thinking that M$ couldn't make one worse they release Windows 10. People hated 8 so bad they jumped on the FREE OFFER for Windows 10 before they realized that it is spyware masquerading as an OS.

M$ is pushing 10 hard because it means a big increase in their profit margarine when they sell the info they collect on you. That is why it is FREE. They have seen the profits that the smart phone makers are raking in by spying on their user so M$ decided to emulate that and cripple the desktops, laptops so they can do the same. That's why they built a back door in it so you can stop the OS with a firewall from phoning home. They spend years coping anything that Apple did. Hence we got Windows 8. Now they are going copy the smart phone industry and and force everyone to use APP.

The worse part is they have decided that you are stuck with this one. It is called Windows as a service. From this point on you will not be able to refuse updates of any kind. What that really means is that M$ can install or delete anything it wants on your puter anytime it wants. Their attitude is, tough we now control you and your puters and there is nothing you can do about it. The other reason for forcing updates on you is to also force new releases of the OS on you. This means the next time they have a Vista or Windows 8 you will not have a choice but to upgrade to it. They will use your auto update feature to force it down your throat. Everyone knows the history of M$ and how bad they can be in destroying a good OS.

If you pay attention you'll also see how they are blaming all the hardware problems with 10 on the user. They make claims accusing the user for having malware on his his system before installing 10. They are saying that the user just doesn't get it or know how to use it. Its called bait and switch. Its not our fault we wrote a bad OS. Its the people who have very over-active imaginations or just don't get or know how to use such a fine piece of spyware. REALLY, its beginning to sound like the same defense they used when Windows 8 started faltering. Houston, we have a problem, the user has found out Windows 10 is spyware and are started to go back to their original OS.

With Windows 10 you can not be guaranteed protection. M$ has built a back door into it and plans on spying on its users. When the hard core virus writers find out how to exploit it, there will be no stopping them.

From Computersecurity wikia: A backdoor is a means of access to a computer program that bypasses security mechanisms. (WINDOWS 10 data collection bypasses all firewalls) A programmer may sometimes install a backdoor so that the program can be accessed for troubleshooting or OTHER PURPOSES. However, attackers often use backdoors that they detect or install themselves, as part of an exploit.

From Wikipedia

Spyware is software that aims to gather information about a person or organization without their knowledge and that may send such information to another entity without the consumer's consent, or that asserts control over a computer without the consumer's knowledge. Spyware is mostly classified into four types: system monitors, trojans, adware, and tracking cookies. Spyware is mostly used for the purposes of tracking and storing Internet users' movements on the Web and serving up pop-up ads to Internet users.

From Extreme Tech

There are certain new “features” of Windows 10 that can’t be blocked by any OS-level tweaks, including the hosts file. The updates listed above connect to and These addresses are hard-coded to bypass the hosts file and cannot be prevented from connecting. It’s been reported that software firewalls aren’t sufficient to block them, though this is unclear.
Lucius T Fowler
2016-03-10 09:03:53 UTC
I'm thinking about Ubuntu or some other Linux as a new operating system. I tried it on my two computers, and it seems to work.

I'm on Windows 7 currently and I don't like the way Microsoft tries to force you into using their stuff. I don't need their cloud storage, I got 3 TB of local backup capacity anyway, and on 4.5 kbit/s line, what use would cloud storage be anyway? I could be dead before they backed up 2 TB.
2016-03-08 12:04:44 UTC
Customer Support @ +1^800^424^1310
2016-03-10 22:20:57 UTC
It doesn't make a whole lot of difference. Going from Windows 7 to 10 didn't do much for me other than make me spend quite a while Googling how to turn off all of the annoying, intrusive security stuff.
2016-03-09 22:29:18 UTC
Depends on what pc you have if you upgrade to windows 10 on a potato then you will definitely want to downgrade!

I have many pc at home and i upgraded all of them to windows 10 here are my comparisons:

Windows 8.1 to windows 10

Dell inspiron 15 5000 series

Amd radeon

Intel core i7


8 GB ram

2.60 GHz

(Windows 10 perfectly runs well on this machine)

- Does not affect gaming performance

i Simply love it

However on my second laptop Windows 7 to Windows 10

It also worked well but not as perfect as my Dell laptop!


Windows 7

500 Gb HDD

Intel core i5

AMD radeon (graphic)

2.00 GHz

(not sure why it didn t worked so well on this laptop. I never used it, my mom did!)


Depends on your pc
2016-03-09 20:53:45 UTC
Windows 10 should be downloaded if you hate your life. In my experience, you needed an internet connection just to log into the computer.
Renee G
2016-03-08 16:22:30 UTC
It depends on the age of your hardware.

My 2008/2009 laptop (came with either XP or Vista) doesn t have recent updated drivers for Windows 8, 8.1, or 10 - the drivers that it does have don t tend to work well with 10. I tried upgrading my copy of Windows 7 (I bought the upgrade to apply over XP or Vista on it) & three days later, the mouse & touchpad quit working (Windows 10 had been busily running Windows Update every day) and I had to spend some time coming up with a way to convince it to "roll back" to Windows 7.

DH has a Windows 8 laptop (bought in 2013) and it was upgraded to 8.1 - he woke up this morning with it having tried to upgrade itself to Windows the middle of the "upgrade", it lost its connection to the wireless (we re on vacation) and he was lucky that he was able to get it to roll back from the incomplete installation of 10.

Maybe he ll try that upgrade again when we get home and have a wired connection...but he s not going to try it while traveling! It s his ONLY computer and he had things to do this morning (check weather, check email, check news, check the market, and print off the puzzles from the newspaper) that he needed his computer to do!

We don't have smartphones and the printer only works with his computer, for some odd reason - it's a good thing that I don't need to print anything (we brought our own printer with us).
2016-03-10 21:53:39 UTC
NOT bad,but windows 7 is best at 10 is free but have some issues.
2016-03-13 11:38:05 UTC
If you think you will be using the new features of windows 10, then yes. Otherwise I wouldn't download it.
Mark Lawrence
2016-03-14 03:02:05 UTC
Yes. It give you features relatively the same to windows 8. But 10 is more advanced
2016-09-08 23:19:52 UTC
well, it depends... i personally like windows 10 alot :d the only problem is that it auto updates [you can change this setting]...

i'm a gamer and it drastically improved my fps...

if you're on windows 7, i recommend not downloading it... however, if you're running windows 8/8...1 i definitely recommend installing it, this is just my personal opinion...

at the end of the day it all comes to preference...

i suggest trying it and if you like it, keep it... if you dislike it, you can always revert back to your older version c:
2016-03-08 21:00:54 UTC
Yes of-course its worth downloading the windows 10 as this new version is better than the previous version also it is more compatible and user friendly. But primary thing is that your computer hardware must support this new version.
2016-03-09 23:22:22 UTC
The problem isn’t whether to upgrade to Windows 10, it’s when. That depends on what you are using now, what you are using your computer for, and whether you can benefit from Windows 10’s innovations. It also depends on whether you are an early adopter who is keen to try new things, or a late adopter who is happy to wait until the interesting new thing has become everybody else’s boring old thing.
2016-03-09 22:14:04 UTC
its worth downloading the windows 10
2016-03-09 16:28:35 UTC
If you have Windows 8 then yes. Download it. But if you have Windows 7, then no don't download.
2016-03-11 01:15:53 UTC
I'm very satisfied with windows 10. Way much better than windows 7 and/or windows 8.1 . At least for me.
Md. Ariful Islam
2016-03-09 08:57:15 UTC
Windows 7 and 8.1 is far better then 10. Windows 10 is far better at being spyware then any OS previously released to date.
2016-03-09 16:30:34 UTC
I would upgrade at the last minute. If you have vista or XP, then upgrade. If not, then try holding back until the last month, then upgrade. It has a lot of big improvements, but the real drawback is that it feels more for a non professional audience. To tell you the truth I was considering Ubuntu Linux, until I found out the programs I use don't have the best alternatives on that OS.
2016-03-10 20:48:55 UTC
If you have 8 than its worth it, if 7 leave it as it's an updated version of 7.
2016-03-08 12:11:12 UTC
The question is more, "is continuing to go without it worth having to pay for it later when Microsoft stops supporting Windows 7 and 8.1 and doesnt' offer the free upgrade anymore?"
2016-03-09 14:18:52 UTC
Windows 10 is really good, but make sure to turn everything off in privacy and some areas, you can search for iton YouTube, i am sure you don't want Microsoft to spy on you.
2016-04-15 04:19:03 UTC
i upgraded from windows 7 a few months ago and so far so good... before upgrading, i did some reading on windows 10 and was hesitant but it hasn't really done me wrong, nor has it done the things people complained about... the only thing was that there are some games (steam) that shall crash at first...
2016-03-08 12:03:10 UTC
If you have Windows 7, upgrade! Windows 7 is garbage. Overall if you have something that is currently working for you don't download it.
2016-03-10 07:23:54 UTC
Windows 7 and 8.1 is far better then 10. Windows 10 is far better at being spyware then any OS previously released to date,
2016-03-12 05:49:32 UTC
I have had no problems, whatsoever going from 8.1 to 10. I still use this computer the same way.) is the last windows, so they say. I never used windows media center or even knew it existed.
2016-03-12 15:44:46 UTC
I've switched over to Linux, and have used it for several years. Right now using Kubuntu, and it's pretty cool, although I run Mint on my other machines mostly. These days, there's no reason to use a Microsoft operating system. There's even thousands of games on Linux.
2016-03-09 13:01:19 UTC
No, it's the worse OS so far. Yeah they are many improvements yet there is so many restrictions, they force windows updates (you can't disable or stop them), they monitor everything you do for advertising purposes. They use your device for testing without telling you, the design is even worse than 8.1 which is far more better to use.
2016-03-09 14:53:51 UTC
My grandparents upgraded to window 10 and it messed up there entire computer and messed up something called the mother or queen drive? Or whatever but they gotta buy a whole new drive or board thats about 250 dollars.
2016-03-13 22:13:31 UTC
Based on my experience, I can tell you that for now maybe it is not good to update or upgrade windows 10 since as per microsoft this is not yet fully developed. They will inform us if this will be ok to use and download. Thanks
2016-03-10 19:09:32 UTC
Is a virus worth downloading?
Zulcan The Great.
2016-03-09 15:47:02 UTC
I have upgraded to Windows 10 ages ago and I am very happy with it.
2016-03-13 06:51:45 UTC
One of my best friends works for Microsoft and even he said, don't download onto an older computer. He recommended waiting till you can buy a new one with it already installed.

"50 Nerds of Grey" said it best:

"I've been a very bad girl," she said, biting her lip. "I need to be punished."

"Very well," he said, and downloaded Windows 10 on her laptop.

My buddy at Microsoft thought it was hilarious and was trying to figure out the best way to show it to his colleagues, without using email...
2016-03-09 05:40:13 UTC
Windows 10 sucks.You cannot choose display drivers and it lags much.

Good thing in this is that the Start Menu camed back but it sucks too.
2016-03-10 11:42:47 UTC
I still loves my Windows 7 so I'm not upgrading.
mishapheart1 h
2016-03-10 02:26:11 UTC
NO. Stay away from it. Go for Windows 7.
2016-03-08 21:50:18 UTC
Microsof company windows seven and 8.1 is far better then 10. Microsof company windows 10 is far better at being viruses then any OS formerly launched up to now.

With Microsof company windows 10, M$ operates your system.

YOU can no longer choose the up-dates you want set up.

THEY can select which motorists are set up.

THEY can select what THEY want on your system.

THEY even set up a entry in it so THEY can SPY on you at all times.

We all believed Microsof company windows 8 would be the more intense OS M$ would launch and they discovered there session. They provided excellent quality developments in 8 when they launched 8.1. At that period we believed M$ was on the way to payoff. Then they come along with 10 and shown us incorrect. Those who earn earnings off viruses and really like the federal govt understanding what you do on a regular foundation are truly motivated by Microsof company windows 10 and think it is the best OS M$ ever launched. You got to confess tho, they believed this out. They first designed a OS so bad that just about every one disliked and only got 23% of the customer to move to it, Microsof company windows 8. Most of them had no option when buying a new puter. With everyone thinking that M$ could not create one more intense they launch Microsof company windows 10. Individuals disliked 8 so bad they hopped on the FREE OFFER for Microsof company windows 10 before they pointed out that it is viruses disguised as an OS.

M$ is forcing 10 difficult because it indicates a big increase in their benefit marg. when they offer the details they collect on you. That is why it is FREE. They have seen the earnings that the smartphone creators are bringing in by neighbor's on their customer so M$ created the decision to replicate that and impact the desktop computers, laptop computers so they can do the same. That's why they designed a mystery in it so you can stop the OS with a firewall program from contacting home. They spend decades dealing anything that The apple company did. Hence we got Microsof company windows 8. Now they are going duplicate the smartphone market and and power everyone to use APP.

The more intense aspect is they are making the decision that you are stayed with this one. It is known as Microsof company windows as a support. We are able to on you will not be able to reject up-dates of any kind. What that really indicates is that M$ can set up or remove anything it wants on your puter at any time it wants. Their mind-set is, challenging we now management you and your puters and there is nothing you can do about it. The other reason for forcing up-dates on you is to also power new produces of the OS on you. This implies so when they have a Windows vista or Microsof company windows 8 you will not have a option but to update to it. They will use your auto update function to ensure it is down your neck. Everyone knows the record of M$ and how bad they can be in ruining an excellent OS.

If you pay attention you'll also see how they are accusing all the components problems with 10 on the customer. They claim accusing the customer for having viruses on his his system before setting up 10. They are saying that the customer just doesn't get it or know how to use it. Its known as lure and change. Its not our mistake we had written a bad OS. Its individuals who have very over-active creativeness or just don't get or know how to use such a excellent piece of viruses. REALLY, its starting to audio like the same protection they used when Microsof company windows 8 began declining. Austin, we have a problem, the customer has found out Microsof company windows 10 is viruses and are began to turn returning to their unique OS.

With Microsof company windows 10 you can not be assured protection. M$ has designed a mystery into it and intends on neighbor's on its customers. When the dedicated malware authors find out how to use it, there will be no avoiding them.

From Computersecurity wikia: A entry is a method of access to a application package system that bypasses protection systems. (WINDOWS 10 details selection bypasses all firewalls) A developer may sometimes set up a entry so that the system can be utilized for problem solving or OTHER PURPOSES. However, assailants often use backdoors that they identify or set up themselves, as portion of an manipulate.

From Wikipedia

Spyware is application that is designed to collect details about a person or company without their details and that may deliver such details to another enterprise without the customer's approval, or that statements management over a pc without the customer's details. Spyware is mostly categorized into four types: system watches, trojan viruses, malware, and monitoring biscuits. Spyware is mostly used for the purpose of monitoring and saving Online users' motions on the Web and providing up pop-up ads to Web customers.

From Excessive Tech

There are certain new “features” of Microsof company windows 10 that can’t be obstructed by any OS-level modifications, such as the serves data file. The up-dates mentioned link to and These details are hard-coded to avoid the serves data file and cannot be avoided from linking. It’s been revealed that application fire walls aren’t adequate to prevent them, though this is uncertain.

Source(s): TWB 35+ decades of experience in the support market. You name it, I have probably set it. I did not design it, I did not develop it, I did not break it, but I am the one who can fix it. What which indicates is that I have invested a lifetime taking these things apart and seeing how they are designed.
2016-03-10 23:37:30 UTC
2017-03-09 04:51:07 UTC
my opinion, no... unless the manufacture of your system has a updated bios and drivers for w10... been there and done it with the download...

recourse was to build 2 systems that specifically supported w10 pro and bought the os... very much a better experience... content for the moment, but not perfect...

w10 is very spooky... as others have said, it wants information about you... lots of glitter, does not seem be able to get with the program and go... always trying to ask questions...

os is fast, but no thunder... a lot of energy conservation... service's shows most items set to manual settings, a controller runs them on demand... you shall have to learn how to shut items off that you, yourself do not want or need...

maybe it shall get better.....................
2016-03-10 08:17:35 UTC
2016-03-09 13:58:44 UTC
No windows 10 sucks I miss 8.1 :(
2016-03-09 05:40:46 UTC
I think windows 10 is by far the best OS by Microsoft. So I think you must upgrade your OS.
2016-03-10 11:46:29 UTC
Not if you have windows 7 64-bit, otherwise yes.
2016-03-09 05:10:13 UTC
Id rather stick to 8
Guru Hank
2016-03-08 12:02:10 UTC
Not worth pirating. Stick to linux mint or something similar. Less hassle.
Jeffrey M
2016-03-09 17:38:46 UTC
no there next big thing is not even going to be in windows format they intend to leave us behind and force us to buy new computers all over again
2016-03-08 19:35:06 UTC
Yes, it's a pretty good OS. Though the search option sucks due to the Cortana implementation.
2016-03-09 16:58:50 UTC
I have windows XP and I've never upgraded cause the new windows look and seem stupid.
2016-03-11 10:43:34 UTC
no windows 10 is running good than windows 8.1
2016-03-08 12:03:24 UTC
Yes it is and you'll be like the tens of thousands that have upgraded with NO problems.
Khrista Cendana
2016-03-11 17:28:55 UTC
Meh, it's alright I guess. Nothing really exciting about it but a few changes here and there.
2016-03-10 22:23:18 UTC
It is..look at all the free apps you can get but you need win 10 see below
2016-03-09 18:36:22 UTC
Give it a shot and you'll find out in a few days or so.
2016-03-08 15:56:30 UTC
anything is better then window 8 and 8.1, so go for it. which i might have to since finding a driver for wifi is hell looking for.
2016-03-09 11:39:34 UTC
Yes it's pretty enhanced
Andy T
2016-03-08 14:13:25 UTC
Yes, you are given that upgrade for free so you should take it to keep current.
2016-03-10 07:50:58 UTC
Well Glad it was free ,I don't care for it , and its slower than W7 also its as if its infected with Altzheimers disease.
2016-03-09 14:20:55 UTC
If you have 8 and are sick of the bugs/lag/glitches/incompatibilities then it's great.

If you have win7 keep it
2016-03-11 09:23:35 UTC
i would. the interface looks cooler and for my compter loads faster than windows 7
2016-03-10 02:49:00 UTC
Still using windows 8.1 have no idea.
2016-03-09 01:58:44 UTC
Yes it is worth it.
2016-03-10 03:41:41 UTC
Yes. You get a lot of programs
No name
2016-03-10 08:01:15 UTC
It's very slow I never play on my laptop because it's very slow.
2016-03-08 12:01:08 UTC
Only if you are prepared to risk losing data. It happens, which is why it's free.
2016-03-09 18:52:02 UTC
Try it out on a friends computer of they have it
2016-03-11 10:06:04 UTC
i have downloaded windows 10 pro from it operates well it is full with crack and serial
2016-03-15 05:51:41 UTC
what does this mean "worth downloading" ?
2016-03-12 07:45:44 UTC
come 2 brazil
2016-03-11 12:59:23 UTC
2016-03-09 02:24:38 UTC
nah i love windows 8.1
2016-03-09 08:39:13 UTC
I upgraded and it was one of the worst decisions I made)
2016-03-09 14:54:59 UTC
yes I personally love it
2016-03-09 11:34:37 UTC
2016-03-11 09:29:50 UTC
2016-03-10 11:42:31 UTC
It forces you to update eventually. You might as well..
2016-03-10 14:28:51 UTC
Never heard of it.
2016-03-11 02:02:43 UTC
It depends on your specs, if it is good then go for it
2016-03-09 02:27:29 UTC
yes, it's a pretty good OS..
2016-03-10 07:05:04 UTC
Just for keeping up with technology......
2016-03-11 12:14:16 UTC
2016-03-09 17:06:24 UTC
I'm just going to give it to you straight......NO
2016-03-10 12:33:07 UTC
2016-03-10 15:49:32 UTC
I like it.
2016-03-11 02:44:57 UTC
Definitely no.
2016-03-10 16:53:42 UTC
2016-03-15 05:17:05 UTC
2016-03-09 20:03:25 UTC
personal preference.
2016-03-10 23:26:08 UTC
if you can endure its spying policy
2016-03-09 16:14:49 UTC
2016-03-13 19:27:26 UTC
2016-03-09 23:08:21 UTC
i don't now
2016-03-11 10:09:25 UTC
its fantastic
2016-03-09 18:33:21 UTC
Just try it...
2016-03-11 10:32:35 UTC
2016-03-10 12:02:50 UTC
2016-03-10 10:23:01 UTC
Jr Sanchez
2016-03-09 20:08:13 UTC
2016-03-09 17:11:03 UTC
2016-03-10 16:18:15 UTC
god no

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.