Okay, you've now answered the question. These lines:
checking for working aclocal... missing
checking for working autoconf... missing
checking for working automake... missing
checking for working autoheader... missing
checking for working makeinfo... missing
are about the packages you need to make just about any configure script run. Use pacman to go down that list and install each of those packages and see what happens. I've also found a page in archlinux.org which seems to cover the subject. I've obviously replaced what was inessential in my answer. One paragraph remains as essential now as it was before you identified your distro:
Oh, if nobody's told you, ALWAYS READ THE README AND INSTALL DOCUMENTS BEFORE TRYING TO COMPILE ANYTHING. ALWAYS. I love to make jokes at my own expense. Believe me, after eight years of ./configure, make, make check and make install if I DON'T still read them EVERY SINGLE TIME, I don't need to make jokes at my own expense because I am one.