Hi, Linux Ubuntu Geek. I don't think its become bloated maybe thats because I install loads of applications on my own. I didn't really get what u meant by bloated though so I can't say anything about that.
I agree with u 100% that its not stable. Only 9 days r left and its even worse than Gutsy was. I installed it on 2 different laptops and it has stopped booting within a week, one of them was working so well and an update broken suspend to ram and disk. Have they fixed your nautilus bug? I still have the bug in which nautilus crashes and the desktop disappears. Only the panels r left then.
On my desktop, I can't even get it to start. It starts with a kernel panic and then restarts and loads into 640x480 resolution mode.
Turns out I checked launch pad and the bugs r all known, but half of them have been just dismissed caused the developers r not getting them. Can u believe it? If u complain on the forums someone just randomly comes and tells u that he doesn't have that problem and case dismissed.
Although I really liked the new open office, its actually very stable. I remember office on ubuntu used to crash once a day for me and in hardy it never crashed at all. Firefox 3 has become really cool as well. Brasero disc burning is a great program and I am glad they finally put that in, I used it on gnome on suse the first time and its great ubuntu has it by default. Another good improvement was the new login screen, it actually looks good and the human theme look nice as well this time. Battery life has become slightly better as well though not as long as Vista gave me on one laptop but still better than Gutsy. The major problem is that the system itself is too unstable.
The main problem with developers this time is that they know that ubuntu is already popular so they r not working as hard anymore. They r also under the impression that since its an LTS release they will have loads of time to fix the bugs later on, and they r not willing to delay the final release.
Anyway I just tried out SUSE developer version and package management has become really FAST. As fast as Debian and the developers r promising that it will get even faster and they will use the same update manager that fedora and ubuntu use now cause package management has sped up that much.
I still don't get how u managed to make ubuntu more stable by upgrading. Did u check of it does something differently cause may be I could do that on a fresh install.
Take care!