Yes there are.
In Safari, to switch between different Safari windows you can use the Next Tab and Previous Tab commands to navigate between tabs.
To move forward to the NEXT tab, use this keyboard combination:
Apple Command + Shift + ]
To move backward to the PREVIOUS tab, use this keyboard combination:
Apple Command + Shift +[
You can also find these keyboard shortcuts in Safari, going to the Safari menu bar at the top of your screen, and select the "Windows" tab. You will see the various tab commands there.
I have provided a screen shot below, giving you an idea of how to verify the text command as well as the symbology, of the specific keyboard shortcut function in any specific application you want to use. I use Safari to exemplify this point.
This applies to any application, for present (and future tense) in which you are seeking a specific keyboard combination or shortcut to execute. It is also depended upon that application, if it even supports the keyboard shortcut you desire to use; always take a moment to browse the menu bar of that specific application and more times than not, you will find what you are looking for.
I hope this has proved helpful to you!
Best Regards,
- Mactechtrainer
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