CMYK is flawful - if you type the number 100, it is far different from if you use RGB and then switch to CMYK, even though CMYK shows the same number, 100.
For best accuracy, you should use RGB instead.
Remember, it is RGB, not RYB, because RYB is paint only.
CMYK was supposed to be the official primary color until it had this flaw.
If you are adding color to graphics, you select black in RGB (R:0 G:0 B:0), and you then click CMYK, it says "C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100."
Black is supposed to be the darkest color, but C:100 M:100 Y:100 K:100 is darker than plain black in CMYK, which is C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:100 (K means black).
PNG, BMP, and SVG are the three best image formats. RGB is superior to CMYK, so you will not have as many problems, but the colors might change a little bit - most likely more vivid.
Therefore, you should save two copies (first time Save, second time Save As) of your image and keep the variation you prefer. If there are no differences, you should generally keep the RGB.
However, CMYK is only a problem on Windows - it might not even affect photoshop.
CMYK is measured from 0 to 100, whereas RGB is measured from 0 to 255.