Okay, to generate a Table of Contents in Word 2003, do the following:
(If any of the following sounds foreign to you, open up Word and press the F1 key to read up on Styles and Applying Styles--maybe even Working with Styles or Modifying Styles [or Creating Styles] -- There's a basic level of knowledge assumed here.)
Make sure that the Heading styles used in your paper reflect the Heading styles in Word's basic template. That is, the first level heading is labled as Heading 1 in the Styles toolbar.
Make sure that your second-level headings are labeled as Heading 2; third-level headings as Heading 3; and so on.
To create the ToC click in your Word doc where you want the ToC to appear and then:
1. Click Insert > Reference > Indexes and Tables... The Index and Tables dialog box appears.
2. Click the Table of Contents tab. The ToC entries appear in a reference pane on the tab. The ToC styles are based on the Normal style. If this is the way you want your ToC to look, click OK to generate the ToC.
3. If you want the ToC to be generated from styles other than the Heading 1 - Headin 3 styles, click Options... and choose the styles to be used in the ToC.
4. If you want to modify the look and feel of your ToC, click Modify... to modify the styles for ToC 1 - ToC 3.
5. Click OK and the ToC is automatically generated from the styles you selected.