If I click on "Download this torrent" on a torrent that I already have...one that is currently downloading..for example if I accidentally hit the download button twice...Utorrent or Bittorrent will give me a message that says, "The torrent you are trying to add is already in the list of torrents. Do you want to load the trackers from it?" why is it asking me if I want to load the trackers from it? What does this mean? I thought if I am downloading a file using Utorrent then I already have loaded the trackers from it....? Is this not required before I can download a torrent or have it in my list of torrents from the first time I clicked on "Download this torrent"? What does this message mean? What will happen different what changes if I click on "yes" from this message? I cannot tell any thing different when I click on "yes" or "no"...either way...I already have the "trackers" from it...dont I?
Please advise;
Thank you in advance for your answers,
perry In FL