Can You Remind Me Why I Should Switch to Linux?
2008-01-08 08:26:32 UTC
I got a great deal on a laptop from Wal-Mart that I use for work. Unfortunately, it came with Vista, which is frustrating beyond belief. I'd like to change back to XP or, better yet, circumvent the Microsoft machine and use Linux.

Have you successfully gotten rid of the Vista beast? Would you tell me how this went? Remind me, again, why I should switch to Linux. Remind me, again, why open source is the way to go and about Microsoft's mad rush for power. I need the motivation to actually take the plunge into Linux.
Seven answers:
2008-01-08 08:29:22 UTC
dont switch not enuff support for it either go for mac or windows
2008-01-08 16:41:15 UTC
Hi, ok easy. I am a Linux user, though in my house my parents and brother use Windows and OS X.

Here r the reasons why Linux is better:

1. It is a descendant of Unix, which it makes it the most stable and most secure system in the world.

2. Linux has no viruses, trojans, or any spyware that can affect it and nor will it ever be attacked cause Unix or Linux security works in such a way that its very difficult to attack.

3. In its security features Linux kicks Windows or Mac OS X's ***.

4. Linux hardware support is excellent as Linux developers try to make all hardware work by default unlike other systems in which u have to install drivers.

5. All the applications u will ever need r on Linux and u can buy some proprietary applications as well and even use proprietary drivers.

6. Linux is fully customizable as u can change anything on ur system u don't like.

7. Since its open source anyone can improve it and security threats and other problems r fixed quickly.

8. If an application freezes on Linux, u will never ever need tp reboot ur system like in Windows or OS X as Linux is a true multi tasking operating system. Applications rarely freeze on Linux though.

9. Linux has different desktop environments giving u a choice on the type of desktop u want, all r fully customizable and examples r KDE, gnome etc. I prefer KDE.

10. Linux has the best 3d effects, u must have seen Beryl or Compiz Fusion, no operating system can beat those effects.

11. Linux is improving day by day and ur system will always be up to date.

12. Linux unleashes the power of your computer hardware through better management of resources and u can even see how powerful your graphics card is using compiz fusion.

These r all the reasons u should choose Linux over OS X.

I suggest u try Linux Mint 4.0, its based on Ubuntu 7.10 and is a lot better than it.

If u have any questions or need any help then u can ask me or anyone else as there r many people using Linux.

Edit: Oh yeah as some one else stated Mac OS X is not based on Linux. Mac OS X is built on top of the BSD kernel which is another Unix like system and then Apple made a lot of modifications to it with their own codes and created the Darwin kernel. Thats what Mac OS X uses.

Good Luck and take care!
2008-01-08 16:30:42 UTC
don't listen to answer #1. Linix has tons of support. Since Linux is an open source OS, supprot comes from all those who use it. There are hundreds of online forums and support sites dedicated to linux support. I use Fedora 8 with KDE. It is great. I use the command line for simple stuff and the desktop environment works just like windows. Automatic updates and everything. You don't have to worry about virus' so much anymore. Only drawback is gaming isn't really great on Linux. I have a linux machine and Xp and I like Linux better. It can do everything Windows can do. There's even a prrgram for you to view and edit word and excel documents so you can still work with windows users.

Mac is good. Coincidentally MAC OS is built on Unix - Linux technology.
Linux Mint 11
2008-01-08 19:00:15 UTC
My answer is slightly long winded, but thorough and based on an expensive disappointment at the hands of Vista.

This is an ideal opportunity to try out the new Linux Ubuntu 7.10, the graphics and effects are far superior to Vista see link below :

Ubuntu is free as it is open source, the download link is :

Once you have downloaded Ubuntu 7.10, you will have an ISO image file. You will then need to create a bootable disc of the file.

This can be achieved by using Nero Burning ROM if you have it or MagicISO a free trial of which is available for download :

Once you have created the bootable disc, we are going to call it the LIVE CD.

Start your PC from the Ubuntu live CD, select start or install when prompted, once the Ubuntu desktop has appeared in the top left hand corner there is an option to install, double click and the installation screen will appear.

Once Ubuntu has asked you about regional settings etc. it will then take you into the partitioning table, if you select the default setting which is on the top, Ubuntu will then automatically sort the space it needs and install its own Grub bootloader.

I am so taken with Ubuntu 7.10, I have ditched windows altogether and I am now running Ubuntu as my primary operating system.

You can run quite a number of windows applications on Ubuntu using WINE, a piece of software that emulates windows. For details of this visit :

Ubuntu 7.10 is also incredibly easy to use and has online support second to none :

Ubuntu vs Vista (these ratings based on personal extensive experience working with both)

I will break it down in to categories and give each system a rating out of 10.

System resource friendly :

Ubuntu 10/10

Vista 4/10

Graphics (Eye Candy) :

Ubuntu 10/10

Vista 7/10

Ease of use :

Ubuntu 8/10

Vista 9/10

Software compatability :

Ubuntu 6/10 (Open Source alternatives in some cases are available) also WINE as described above can be used.

Vista 8/10

Wireless compatability :

Ubuntu 5/10

Vista 8/10

Networking compatability :

Ubuntu 7/10

Vista 8 /10

Security :

Ubuntu 10/10

Vista 7/10

Gaming :

Ubuntu 3/10

Vista 8/10

This category sourced from various sites.

Office software :

Ubuntu 10/10 (Free)

Vista 2 /10

Price :

Ubuntu 10/10 (Free)

Vista 2/10

Overall performance :

Ubuntu 9/10

Vista 6/10

Of the two for me Ubuntu wins hands down.

The only favor Vista did for me, was to encourage me to discover Ubuntu
David D
2008-01-08 16:37:29 UTC
Linux does what I need (I don't know if it will do what you need) with a minimum of fuss, and a minimum of cost.

(OS X is not built on Linux though, its built on BSD, which is a different UNIX-like operating system, but compatible in many ways).
2008-01-08 17:57:58 UTC
linux mint has more built in then windows

its virus free

you can run it live (no install required )if you like

install is a snap with ubuntu based distros

empires like microsoft and walmart are bad for the USA
2008-01-10 11:22:21 UTC
You shouldn't switch. ANYONE who asks such a question should stay with windoze. That is a no brainer.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.