If you want to stay with Ubuntu, stay with an LTS release. They don't play games with those. Aside from that Debian is where to be. It doesn't get anymore stable than that but the price you pay is older versions of software. Although you don't HAVE to use the terminal as much as you would say a couple years ago. LEARN IT. If not you'll just turn into the equiv of a Windows user. If you can't click it your clueless. Not a good way to be.
Milo Hoffman
2011-06-14 09:41:25 UTC
'Ubuntu' is by far the most stable Linux distro. Particularly I would stick with the latest LTS versions since they will be supported for three years & you're looking for stability.
2011-06-14 06:02:46 UTC
I use the free edition of Mandriva. The reason I do is it allows me to have both the root account and the user account. There is no indirect connection to the root account. Second it is easier to install software because it uses .rpm files similar to Red Hat which is the same thing Fedora uses. The last Fedora I used ended up having indirect access to the root account.. I do not know what you mean about stable or stability because they are are stable. The bad thing about Open Source Remasters of other main versions, is that the Upgrade will generally crash the system and the graphics server. Remasters have to control the repository files to make sure you do not install anything that will break the system they created. That is another reason I stay with a main line type of Linux, it won't normally crash doing an upgrade.
2011-06-14 00:10:16 UTC
ubuntu linux is the most stable, the netbook edition is great. I've used linux for years and i know for a fact for stability it is the best.
2011-06-14 00:07:03 UTC
Fedora is a pain, my friend couldn't get it to recognize his graphics card for the life of him, stuck with 1024x768 stretched on a 1440x900 display. Haven't used Mandriva, but I find Ubuntu and Xubuntu to be the most stable personally
2011-06-14 00:06:51 UTC
Naw Ubuntu is the most stable for most computers right now try changing from a Debian kernel to a kde you might have more luck.