Audacious - an excellent WinAmp equivalent.
Totem, Kaffeine, VLC - media players
Miro - internet tv
Ubuntu Tweak - excellent app, definitely check this one out!
Shutter - screenshot tool
Firestarter - firewall front-end
clamav + clamtk - virus scanner and the graphical front-end for it
Celestia, KStars, Stellarium - planetarium software
Freeciv, Quadrapassel, Sauerbraten - some games
Abiword, OpenOffice - office and writing stuff
Xfburn - burning cd's and dvd's
hardinfo - system profiler and benchmarking app
Install ubuntu-restricted-extras, GStreamer stuff and the Medibuntu repository for multimedia codecs (Medibuntu and other extra repositories can be installed through Ubuntu Tweak)
Browse through Ubuntu Software Center and/or Synaptic package manager and find more.