Why hasn't there been any software released that enables a Mac OS to run on Windows?
2009-11-14 01:38:00 UTC
For the most part most people who are PC users, even though they don't know a lot about Macs know that the Intel based Macs are able to run windows on them. Macs are able to run Windows on them so doesn't that mean that Windows should be able to do the same for a Mac OS? not exactly, and thats because Windows has no software like the Mac does that lets them run the other competitors OS on them.

So why hasn't there been anyone(including Microsoft) that has released any type of software to run a Mac OS on a PC? I think its because of either Microsoft or Apple. I think one of the companies is either reluctant(could be that their lazy) or just plain denying Microsoft or anyone else the ability to do so. So I think either Microsoft(or anyone else except Apple) just hasn't made a program to do so or Apple is Denying Someone from making a program to do so. Either way its really annoying knowing that Mac users can use a Windows OS meaning they can use both Mac and Windows Operating Systems on their computers while PC users can't use a Mac OS on their machines and therefore are stuck using Windows only.
Eleven answers:
2009-11-14 01:43:05 UTC
Simply put, it's because Apple does not want Mac OS to run on non-Apple PCs. There are some hacks around this, but the reason there is no official support for it is because of Apple.

Oh, and PC users aren't "stuck using Windows only"... we can use any flavor of Linux (SUSE, Fedora, Red Hat, Cent OS, ubuntu, kubuntu, etc), FreeBSD, and other operating systems.
† Oh yeah
2009-11-14 13:25:05 UTC
Apple can keeps Mac OS X. Linux is a much better Unix-like operating system. Apple doesn't want to release its OS the same way that Microsoft does, because then nobody would buy their over priced junk.
Michele C
2009-11-14 11:35:12 UTC
PC does not equal Windows. PC = Personal Computer. Apple, Linux, Windows, Unix. All four are Personal Computers.

Leopard and Snow Leopard ARE Solaris-Unix operating Systems. Windows does not do Unix.

Why would you want all the tweaking, fixing, updating, replacing that comes with Windows?

Our two XPs FRIED their motherboards. It took 40 hours (a week) to convince M.S. it was NOT bootleg. It was a new motherboard! What a headache!

Thanks, but NO THANKS! Our Macs always work.

Our Windows sometimes work and get flaky after just six (6) hours of use!
2009-11-14 01:56:31 UTC
In short, because that would be illegal. In the terms of use of Mac OS X it is written that it is only allowed to be used on a Mac, which is understandable, because if you would install Mac OS X on a normal computer, it would defy its purpose. Apple creates both the hardware, the Mac, as well as the software, Mac OS X. Both are built for each other, meaning that they work best together and that Mac OS X supplies all the drivers required for a Mac, leaving you with a very stable running machine, with no need for third party drivers. That is the biggest advantage of using a Mac.

If you would install Mac OS X on a normal computer, you would need third party drivers, which would mean that you do not have a stable running machine of which the hardware and software are not created to fit perfectly together. In other words, running Mac OS X on a normal computer is not advised, as it will not gain you anything, it can only create problems and an unstable system. Windows, Linux, BSD, et cetera are all meant to run on normal computers, giving you the best possible stable running environment on a normal computer, so why would you use Mac OS X on a normal computer then? Think about it.

There are various illegal releases of Mac OS X which have been tailored to run on normal computers, to satisfy users who want to use Mac OS X on a normal computer, but as I wrote above, there is no use in doing so as the hardware and software will not be such perfect match as it is with a Mac and Mac OS X. Many professionals in various fields use a Mac because of the stability; you lose this stability on a normal computer when you use Mac OS X. The only people who install Mac OS X on their normal computer are those who want to brag about having Mac OS X running on a normal computer, which is very sad, as it does not gain them anything, it will only leave them with a less stable computer than they would have had if they would have simply used Windows for example.
2009-11-15 03:19:38 UTC
The profit from the sale of one MacBook is equal to that of 250 Snow Leopard discs. There are 14 PCs in use for every Apple computer. Suppose half of all PC owners bought a Snow Leopard DVD, and at the same time, half of Apple's profit from the sales of computers was lost because a lot of customers bought PCs and installed Snow Leopard on them. Do the math and get back to me.

Apple sells the Mac experience based on no-compromise hardware and software developed by the industry's top designers. Would a Ferrari engine installed in a Ford pickup do a lot for the reputation of Ferrari?

You have to realize also that not all PC owners bought Vista or even XP. Many of them used a friend's disc to install. Microsoft doesn't make a penny on that. Here in China you can buy Vista and XP on any street corner for US$1. You can also buy Apple computers, but not cheaply. No one can simply burn a copy of a computer. Every one sold is profitable.

Check the stock performance of Microsoft for the last ten years compared with that of Apple. Which company is leading the industry and which is following? Microsoft doesn't have to put as much development into Windows because half the technology of Windows is taken from OS X.

Last important fact sheet: Apple DID SELL MAC OS to other computer makers from about 1995 to 1997 when Steve Jobs was pushed out, and a "genius" named Gil Amelio was the CEO of Apple. They nearly went out of business because of it. The stock hit a 12 year low at US$3.53 and they lost over 700 million in three months. Steve Jobs quickly put an end to that hair-brained scheme by changing the release version of OS 7.7 to OS 8 (Mac OS licensees had a contract only for OS 7 versions) and doubled their licensing fees for the next proposed contract, thus ending the clone program in a flash of real genius. Only one clone maker, Power Computing, tried to sell computers pre-installed with OS 8, so Apple bought them for 150 million -- with money paid to Apple by Microsoft in an out-of-court settlement about copying Mac OS. I know because I did tech support for Apple at that time, and they took in all the tech support for Power Computing for one year as a courtesy to those Mac users.

Apple now has 34 billion (not a mistake) in cash on hand and their stock is at US$204. I hope they continue to ignore the PC market. You may over-estimate the love that the PC market has for Apple. Right here in this forum I often read comments that OS X is terrible and Windows or Linux is the best. It's the age old Chevy-Ford-Dodge argument my brothers used to have.

Incidentally, Linux is UNIX-like because it did not use any pre-existing version of UNIX as a base. OS X is UNIX, see link below.
David D
2009-11-14 01:42:06 UTC
Apple are in the business of selling computers.

OS X is designed to make those computers more attractive.

Having it run on generic PC hardware would:

(a) Defeat the object


(b) Cost a lot of time and money in driver development, while making the software more complex and prone to problems.

Update in response to additional information: Apple believe (and they are probably right) that they can make more money by convincing those people to buy Macs then they can in selling them OS X for their existing computers.
2016-10-02 05:26:39 UTC
They the two have their reward, Mac's are often greater costly. in spite of the undeniable fact that, there's a thank you to place in living house windows on a Mac, I hear. i think of living house windows computers are greater helpful, been having living house windows computers in view that living house windows ninety 5 (a techniques as i will undergo in recommendations.)
2009-11-14 01:57:30 UTC
What are you talking about? Do a search on YouTube for "mac os x on pc" and you will get lots of examples of Mac OS X running on PCs.
2009-11-14 01:46:37 UTC
because Bill Gates only wants his O.S. on his PC's. So say if you do change a Mac OS to a Windows OS...Is that Mac still a Mac or is it now a PC. Cause now its running Windows and not Mac OS; or say your running Mac OS on a PC wouldn't that make that PC a Mac and not a PC?
2009-11-15 12:11:06 UTC
If you use VMware or VirtualBox on Windows or Linux personal computer you can install and run Mac OS inside it.
2009-11-14 01:53:31 UTC
use VMware Workstation

With support for over 200 operating systems including Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and over 20 other versions of Windows, along with Redhat, Ubuntu, OpenSuse and 26 additional versions of Linux. VMware Workstation delivers the broadest guest platform support for running multiple operating systems at the same time on your PC.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.