Always at 20% of installation process I get an error message saying that the installation process has failed and a rollback will be performed
Seven answers:
2009-12-26 19:53:15 UTC
There are 3 step to repair nero 9 installation error
If you got nero 9 installation error then there is a 94% chance that your computer has registry problems. To repair nero 9 installation error you need to follow the steps below:
* Step 1 - Download a nero 9 installation error repair tool,install this error repair tool.
* Step 2 - Click the Repair All Button.It will scan you pc for Free.
* Step 3 - Then click the Repair All Button again and your done! It is very easy to repair nero 9 installation error.
Here are the url of nero 9 installation error repair tool:
2009-12-28 17:00:18 UTC
The easiest and fastest way to solve this problem is to run a registry cleaner software. A registry cleaner can eliminate errors in your record. This record stores all information about the software, drivers, applications and games that are installed on your computer. And in time, it can get bad, because some obsolete entries are not deleted and can lead to what they call the "errors". By using a registry cleaner the errors can be eradicated and increases the speed of your computer in the process. Registry cleaners work by scanning each file and then checking to see if it's corrupt or causing problems. If they find that it is broken, the registry cleaner will replace or fix the file for you to make your computer become free of errors.In addition, the errors will not happen if you regularly check and care for your computer system.
2016-11-01 11:16:16 UTC
it ought to probable be a deadly disease that has corrupted a number of your equipment information. in case you have yet another pc computing gadget, attempt removing the no longer straight forward stress of the ill computing gadget and hook it up as a slave stress in a the wholesome computing gadget and test it for viruses, spyware, and so on. If no viruses are detected, placed the no longer straight forward stress lower back into the ill computing gadget. Then replace the RAM sticks with the RAM from the different computing gadget. If the subjects nonetheless persist, take your computing gadget to your community computing gadget Guru. If the project isn't the RAM, you may would desire to reformat and re-set up your working equipment.
Chris R
2009-12-27 22:40:46 UTC
There could be software running that is preventing installation, i.e. antivirus program. Here's a link to Nero FAQ's which may help: