2011-12-07 05:33:28 UTC
I need help with my new computer ONCE AGAIN...
This time, my windows wont update 3 "important" updates... This is (I think) restricting me from playing games...
When i try to update windows it comes up with the error message (800B0100)... i went to the offline windows help and it told me that the file needed is moved or corrupt and to download the system update readiness tool to fix it... i did, and the fcuking thing did nothing at all... this is the only option that the help gives me for this error message....
So while just randomly looking at my computer, i found a troubleshoot for updating... this thing said that there was nothing wrong and to try updating again...
I went to the microsoft help thingy, put in my windows 7 ID and the bloody thing told me that i need to pay for help... fcuk that...
I have had this computer for a week now, and right from the start i wasnt able to download these 3 updates... So now i have turned to the world of yahoo answers as my last hope