1) A distribution source for independent publishing (like zines), indie music labels and other diy crafts. Some of the more established distros include Pander Zine Distro and Moonrocket, though there are literally hundreds of distros worldwide. Generally speaking they don't turn much of a profit as stocking and selling their products is a labor of love, much as it is for those who create what they sell.
Additionally, the process for being distributed (or distro'ed) is much less formal than with conglomerate publishers - sometimes zinesters can just send in a note and a copy of their zine and, if the owner of the distro likes it, they'll agree to sell any number of copies.
Currently, the most up-to-date listing of distros can be found in Stolen Sharpie Revolution, put out by Microcosm Publishing.
2)Refers to a 'distrobution' of software, most popularly used now for Linux. Distros often have common elements (kernel, desktop environs, etc) but are released with different configurations, programs and installers by different organizations.
3) A contraction of the word "distribution" referring to something that either distributes something else, or is distributed itself.
Commonly used to refer to the compilations of software that comprise any one of various distributions of the Linux Computer Operating System Platform.
4) An abbreviation of the word "distribution". Commonly used when referring to a list or a collection.