First, A system restore is just what it says, "a system restore" it will not necessarily restore everything !
Second, at the moment the odds are that all your photos are still on your hard drive, (hopefully you're not running a SSD drive)
Third, just searching may not come up with the required results, for a number of reasons, If the photos are important to you, try this :--
Don't do anything further with your hard drive, obtain a USB slot in caddy to suit the hard drive, obtain a version of photo recovery software, (there's many different types on the market) load this software on a spare or a friend's computer, plug in you're new caddy, and ask the software to search for your photos,
If it gives you a choice of the type of file, (Type, *.XXX) the Xs here should be replaced with the last three letters of of one of your camera's filenames, IE *.JPG
Over the years I have recovered many hundred's of thousands of photos for people who have misplaced them, even in cases where the drives have been fully formatted !